Church news for Thursday, March 24, 2011

Published 12:42 pm Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School class continued to study the Hebrew names of God by examining “Jehovah Jireh” or “God will provide.”
Bro. Shannon brought the morning sermon entitled, “There Shall Be Showers of Blessing” from Ezekiel 34:26: “And I will make them and the places round about my hill a blessing; and I will cause the shower to come down in his season; there shall be showers of blessing.”
Bro. Shannon reviewed Ezekiel 34 as a prophecy of a coming blessing of God for his people. He broke the chapter down into three parts: verses 1-6 explained the sins of the shepherds (leadership) of Israel; verses 7-10 pronounced the judgment on these leaders; and verses 11-31 promised Himself as the true Shepherd of Israel.
Using the term “showers of blessing” was in regard to the relationship God’s people (sheep) will enjoy with the Messiah (Shepherd) one day. The showers are the benefits we enjoy as a result of this blessing. Bro. Shannon reminded us that Psalm 23 lists some of these showers: green pastures, still waters, protection, restoration, comfort, goodness, mercy, etc. This blessing has already been established as mentioned in Ephesians 1:3: “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ.”
Not only is God in the blessing business, but it blesses God to bless us through a relationship with the Good Shepherd as identified in John 10:14. However, there is a difference in being blessed and receiving a blessing. We are blessed out of our abundance, for example: Americans are blessed because of living in a land of plenty. However, a blessing comes to us out of our need. Jesus commented on this fact when praising the widow for giving two mites, not out of her abundance, but rather out of her need (Mark 12:41-44). To activate the “showers of blessing” is to follow the example of the widow who gave her last meal and oil to sustain Elijah as recorded in 1 Kings 17:8-24. We must be willing to surrender all we have to the Shepherd. Just as a shepherd will tend to a sheep in need, so will Jesus tend to us.
We closed the service by singing “I Surrender All.”
Our evening Bible study started at 5 and focused upon the great feast of Israel.
Happy birthday wishes to John Crawford, Barbara Miller and Charlie Burnett.
Happy anniversary wishes to Marie and Jim Shannon.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer service at 6:30.
For more information, please call 755-6356.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this second Sunday of Lent, what a joy to have the privilege of going to church and to give thanks for this perfect day and the countless blessings that we have to enjoy. Surely the tragedy facing the Japanese nation and others in that area brought thoughts to how blessed we are in our country.
Dr. Mac Stinson preached a very thought-provoking and sweet sermon based on the first experience of leaving home permanently. I was so enthralled listening to him relate those early experiences of his, which could have applied to my own memories, that I neglected to write his sermon title. I guess the lesson to be learned here is that many life experiences are universal, even if they occur to different people in different places at different times.
His scripture was Genesis 12:1-4: “Now the Lord had said unto Abram, ‘Get thee out of thy country, and from thy kindred, and from thy father’s house, unto a land that I will show thee: And I will make thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shall be a blessing. And I will bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in all families of the earth be blessed.’ So Abram departed as the Lord had spoken unto him…”
Dr. Stinson said the experience of leaving home permanently was the first time many young people realize that “home is not so bad after all” and “there is no place like home.” Sound familiar?
Abram and his wife, Sarai, left their home in Ur in Iraq and brought them into the Bible lands where we meet them today. I wonder what they think of the old home neighborhood they left?
I thought Dr. Stinson’s sermon was timely, appropriate and applicable for all graduating high school seniors coming up and was bittersweet for those of us a bit further along on life’s journey.
When you pray, remember Everette Bagby, Lissa Moore, Troy Benson, Mable Mitchell, Dwight Sammons, Roger Dale Wilson, Bonnie Headley, Jim Ellison, Jack McLemore and family, Opal Miller, Wilma Ellison and all others in need of your touch, Lord, whose names I don’t have.
Grant traveling graces for those on the highways this week. Thank you for those who have returned safely.
Sunday night we enjoyed the second half of a Gaither family visit to Jerusalem via DVD.
Kids Saturday Spectacular will be Saturday, March 26.
Have a blessed week.

Mt. Carmel Baptist Church No. 1
We had a wonderful service this Lord’s Day. As we enjoyed a Spirit-filled worship service, we enjoyed the beautiful music, two piano solos by Tammy Harmon. We welcomed all our visitors and church family that joined with us for our morning service.
Our message for Sunday morning was taken from Psalm 139:1-24, “Put Me to the Test.” David was found running for his life. He was in some troubled times, but he never forgot who could bring him out. God knows our words even before we speak. God knows and dwells in the uttermost. Are we as brave as we think we are? Search me, o God, and lead me in thy way everlasting.
Sunday night’s message was entitled, “The Blessings the Soul Forgets” (Psalm 103:1-5). David had lots of things to praise the Lord for. David rejoiced in God’s deliverance from trouble; God forgiveth all iniquities, healeth all diseases and redeemeth thy life from destruction. Pray for leadership and the guiding hand of the Lord as you read and study your Bible this week.
Upcoming events for our church: Mark these dates and be there as you are needed:
•Thursday, March 24: Softball practice.
•Saturday, March 26: grass cutting and yard cleaning.
•Sunday, March 27: Bring your “teddy bears” for a worthy project.
•March 29: County-wide Vacation Bible School clinic at our church. You are invited.
We ask prayer for the families in our church and families everywhere that have sickness and other problems. Pray for the military service person, leaders of our country, pray for one another, and pray for peace and the leadership of the Lord.

Bethsalem Baptist Church
The morning service began with lots of great songs. Special music was presented by Kelsey Pierce and the Celebration Choir singing “It’s Not In Vain.”
Bro. Brad preached on “God’s Great Mystery” from Ephesians 3:1-13.
Our evening service began with Life Tracks at 5 p.m. The message, “Deserted by Disciples: Peter and Judas” came from Matthew 26:36.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:45 followed by choir practice for children and prayer meeting for adults.
Pray for Charles Bryant, Louise Kelley, Gene Hucks, Betty McGee, Maci Hucks, Tricia Coles, Adelyn Fulmer, Kayla Knight, Emma Merrill, Hunter Moore, Edward Moore, Faye Legendre, Glen Schrader, Robin Horton, Lawson Crawford, Ruben Kelley, Robert Holloway, Debbie Lockhart and James Moore.
Remember to pray for Japan, all our missionaries, the unchurched families and all families who have lost loved ones.
Happy birthday to David Hand, Roy Thomas, Valeria Bradberry, Mary Collum and Mark McCary.
Next Sunday is leadership appreciation day. It is our mission to share Jesus Christ with others, to help them connect into his family, to develop the habits of a disciple, and to discover their place of ministry in order to center their lives on Christ.
Tell someone about Jesus this week. Come worship with us.

Cedar Grove
Protestant Church
Sunday was the first day of spring. It was a beautiful day, and the hummingbirds had been by. It was a great day to be alive and to be in the House of the Lord.
I missed the church news last week due to an illness in my family. I want to catch up with some things that happened last week.
Sunday morning we had a guest speaker, Jamie Coulter, the largest little man you will ever see. He was very small and got around sitting on a skateboard. There was nothing small about his singing ,playing the guitar. If  you get a chance to have him at your church you will surely receive a blessing. Gary McGee was with him, and he is an excellent singer too.
Sunday night, Tyler Jackson was baptized and we had several visitors. Mr. and Mrs. Blair went to be with Tyler as he was baptized. We were glad to have Kimberly Hyatt with us also.
Brother Alton Russell’s neighbors, Vern and Linda, came Sunday, and we were glad to have all our visitors.
The birthdays for both weeks include Susan Knight, Kim Boothe, David Bullard, Tiffany Marcus, Austin McGuire, Mason McGuire, C.J. Bynum and Violet Porter.
Happy anniversary to our pastor and his wife, Brother Jeff and Sandra Carroll.
Our heartfelt sympathy goes out to the ones whose loved ones went on to be with the Lord: the families of Mrs. Lena Childress, Mrs. Jewel Robinson, Mr. Howard Short, Mrs. Dollie Price and Mrs. Geraldine (Deanie) Smith. You have all been in our prayers and will continue to be.
Robin Horton came to church for a while Sunday morning. She had brain surgery March 8. Sister Violet Porter was back with us; she has been on the sick list. Brother Ken Robinson is a miracle; he wasn’t suppose to make it but he has been coming to church the last three weeks. God is in the miracle business, Brother Ken is living proof.
Brother Jeff Carroll went to Wimberly to preach this week, and Brother Heath Vines took over the pulpit for him. His message was entitled “Our Appointment,” and his text came from Hebrews 9:27-28. The altar filled.
The evening service began with the usual congregation songs. We had a surprise speaker  for the message. Brother Clay Collins’ text was entitled “The Seed” from 2 Chronicles 7:14 and Matthew 13:3-9.
Brother Russell Wyatt sang the invitation song, and the altar filled.
We would love to have you with us at Cedar Grove. We are growing by leaps and bounds. We are located three miles south of Thorsby just off County Road 37, next to Brother Harold Garrison’s farm.
Please pray for our country. Pray for the sick and shut-ins. Bobby Jones had another heart attack but is doing better, and Peggy Pearson is in the hospital at this writing. We all need to pray, if we could, non-stop. Japan is suffering terribly. Pray for our military.
God bless and everyone have a safe week.

Mars Hill Baptist Church
It’s time to plant the garden, get the baby chicks and cut the grass and watch God’s creation come to life. Spring is a wonderful time as we watch the earth renew itself.
Sunday at Mars Hill was a time to rejoice as some were able to be back that had been sick and out with surgery. Doesn’t it make you feel good to be able to go back to church when you have been out sick? We need that time of fellowship with other believers.
The song special was “Let Your Faith Do the Walking.” Sometimes we feel like a little faith is all we have left, but be assured God never leaves us alone. The sermon came from Mark 9.
Come worship with us at any time. Our nursery is open and staffed by competent and caring people. We trust you will be able to say that it is good to have been in the house of the Lord.

—Church news items may be e-mailed to, or call 755-5747.