Church news for Thursday, March 10, 2011

Published 5:20 pm Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson continued our series on the Hebrew names of God. This Sunday we studied El Shaddai, “God Almighty.”
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from 1 Corinthians 10:14-22 on preparing ourselves to come to the Lord’s table for Holy Communion. Using examples from his past, Bro. Shannon reminded us there are five things we must do before we sit down at the Lord’s table.
First, we must wash our hands. This doesn’t mean we approach the table sinless and perfect, just willing to come with remorse and repentance.
Second, we must come to the table with a good appetite. Just as we would not fill up on junk food before dinner, so we should not fill ourselves with the things of the world (Paul calls it the cup of demons).
Third, we must come to the table with time to enjoy the moment. Being rushed may work in the world, but it has no place in the kingdom of God. We must relax and enjoy the meal God has prepared for us.
Fourth, we need harmony at the table. Dissensions and tensions will only result in indigestion. There must be unity in the community of believers.
Finally, we should come to the table with grateful hearts. Just as we would thank mom for a great meal, so we should pause to thank Jesus for what he has provided.
Following these five steps will ensure our meal at the Lord’s table is an awesome time spent with family, friends and the Lord! We concluded our morning service with Holy Communion.
Our Bible study concluded our study on the five Hebrew sacrifices and offerings mentioned in Leviticus 1-5.
Happy anniversary wishes to Judy and Ricky Burnett.
We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information, please call 755-6356.

Christ Independent Methodist Church
On this crispy, cold Sunday morning Dr. Mac Stinson’s sermon title was, “Let’s Go Up to the Mountain.” His scripture reading was taken from Matthew 17:1-9. Here Matthew writes, “And after six days Jesus takes Peter, James and John his brother, and brought them up into a high mountain apart! And was transfigured before them: and his face did shine as the sun, and his raiment was white as the light.”
A bit further on, Matthew writes, “And, behold, there appeared unto them Moses and Elias talking with him.”
Truly this was a mountaintop experience for these three disciples, both literally and figuratively. For Matthew tells us that they recognized these two biblical saints who had lived long before their time. They were not overcome with fear as most people might have been under like circumstances. Instead, Peter immediately recognized Jesus, Moses and Elisha, and began talking about building tabernacles to honor them.
At this point a voice from heaven said, “This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased.” When the three disciples recognized the voice of God speaking to them, for the first time they became afraid and fell on their faces to worship Him.
While this event actually occurred on a physical mountaintop, in today’s vernacular, we would consider any location where such an event occurred as a mountaintop experience.
There is a mountain in Israel today called the Mount of Transfiguration where this event is believed to have occurred. There are many locations associated with the life and death of our Lord where a visit gives one the feeling of a mountaintop experience regardless of its elevation.
Prayer is requested for Dr. Mac Stinson III, Melissa Moore, Judy Garner Atchison (recovering from falls requiring surgery), Mae Hunnicutt, Bonnie Headley and Carl Glass. Pray for the family of Donna Hicks, who passed away this past week. Pray for Everette Bagby, who came home from the hospital this week.
We invite you to join us for our continuing study of Revelation on Wednesday nights beginning at 6:45.
Taken from my church bulletin: “We cannot avoid growing old, but we can avoid growing cold.” Have a blessed week.
Remember the family of Jemison police officer Donald Joshua Newman, who died in a car crash on U.S. 31 north of Thorsby Saturday night. Officer Newman died in the line of duty, leaving his wife and 4-year-old son. He was an Air Force veteran, having served in our military police for six years.

Mt. Carmel No. 1
What a joy it was to gather in the house of the Lord, although we had many that are still out of church because of sickness. We welcome all our visitors and pray they will come again.
Special music by the choir was a medley of “I’m Getting Ready to Leave This World” and “Please Forgive Me” by Lillie and Tammy Jones. “Healer” was sung by Charity Lockhart.
Bro. Derrell brought the message entitled, “Fan Or Follower?” from Luke 9:23 and 57-62. A fan is someone enthusiastic; an admirer. A follower denies himself, takes up his cross daily and follows Jesus. Do you want to serve God or the world? God wants you to be his follower and not a fan. Don’t be half-hearted in the service of God. Jesus said, “No man having put his hand to the plow and looking back is fit for the kingdom of God.”
We joined worship service Sunday night with Liberty Hill Baptist Church. The music and worship of the Ugandan Thunder children’s choir was enjoyed and a blessing. Finger foods were served to a large crowd.
WMU members, remember your assignment for the week of prayer. Pray daily for the missionaries and other prayer requests.
Our church will host the association VBS main clinic Tuesday, March 29 at 7 p.m. This is a clinic for all your VBS workers to have the opportunity to get training for their school. Mark your calendar and make plans to attend.
The softball team will be sponsoring a car wash Saturday, March 12 at Advance Auto Parts. Remember this and help the team out by bringing your vehicle to be washed.
Daylight Saving Time begins this Sunday. Remember to change those clocks forward one hour and don’t be late.
God bless you this week, and we always offer a special invitation to you and your family to worship with us at Mt. Carmel No. 1.

Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with ministry opportunities and a welcome. The fellowship chorus was “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know,” followed by the call to worship, “Wonderful Grace of Jesus” and a testimony from Rebecca Lovett.
Special music by the Celebration Choir was “By the Way of the Cross.”
The message by Bro. Brad was from Ephesians 2:1-10 and entitled, “Our Infinite Inheritance: God’s Amazing Grace.”
Wednesday night is family supper at 5 p.m., followed by prayer meeting, choir practice for all choirs, and children and youth at 6:30 p.m.
Pray for Kayla Knight, Charles Bryant, Jeanette Smitherman, Edward Moore, Zoe Roper, Hazel Green, Hazel Gothard, Jewel Robinson, Wylodean Burns, Hunter Moore, Edward Moore, Tony King, Lisa Lockhart, James Harris, Nat Jones, Jean Hucks, Nell Mims, Iella Vance, Faye Legendreis, Logan and Lawson Crawford and their mom, Kevin Ray, Pete Burnette, Bro. James Moore, Charles Cobb, Jimmie Smith, Durward Gray, Ella Grace Reece and all our shut-ins.
Pray for all families who have lost loved ones, those affected by cancer, residents of nursing homes, and everyone serving in the military.
Happy birthday to Mark Smith, Hanna Hughes, Jr. Enriquez, Brian Bradberry, Ralph Smith, Gwen Willmon, Saintess Sims, Jamie Culp, Martie Elgin, Misha Carroll, Kathy Evans, Chris Moore, Silas Denham, Chris Ousley, Dustin Glasscock, Brook West, Charity Headley, Preston Salim, Ally Cox, Adrienne Rohrbough, Ashil Cooper, Jeffrey Thrasher and Cody Carroll.
Happy anniversary to Allen and Darlene Rice, Johnny and Carol Kelley, Shane and Angie Davis, Henry and Audrea Moore, Justin and Kristal Gray, Brandon and Kerri Blow, and Denny and Angie Carroll.
Have a blessed week. Tell someone about Jesus. God is so good, all the time. He is worthy of our praise.
Come worship with us at Bethsalem.

Jackson Chapel
Bro. Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson entitled, “Jesus Overcomes Temptation.” Bro Gary Fant started off the morning service with “There Is Power In The Blood” and “The Eastern Gate,” and Bro Dennis blessed us with “Glory Road.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Luke 6:43-49 with a message entitled “Hearing Is Not Enough.” If we as Christians have corrupt things in our lives, we don’t have the right relationship with Jesus Christ. We need to kneel at the altar and get these corrupt things out of our lives so we can live the life that we need to live for Jesus Christ. We need to keep his commandments and do more than just hear the word of God. We’ve got to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ in order to keep those corrupt things out of our lives. The service ended with several coming to pray.
In the absence of Bro Gary Fant, Bro Dennis Smith led the congregational singing with “Farther Along,” “He Set Me Free” and “Just A Little Talk With Jesus.” Bro Dennis Smith and Glenn Riley blessed us with “Jesus Hold My Hand” and “God Has Been So Good To Me.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Romans 5:1-10. We as Christians need to have faith in God that he will bring us through the tribulations of this life. We have to hold on in this life because God allows us to go through things so we can build patience. We have to learn to wait on the Lord because no matter what we go through, Jesus Christ always shows up for us right on time.
Happy birthday this week to Luke Wilson on March 3 and Dennis Smith on March 7.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Geraldine Smith, Margie Baker, Marie Johnson, Janie Smitherman, the Billy Crumpton family, the Josh Newman family, Angel Harrison, the Jewel Robinson family, Royce Littleton, Christy Broyles, our children in school, Gina Lynn Riley, the Joe Willis family, Robert Holloway, Heather Denmar, our servicemen and women and our lost loved ones.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7.

Center Hill Baptist Church
The evening sermon from Bro. Jeff Champion outlined nine benefits we received from studying scripture. These benefits are as follows:
1. Spiritual Life – John 3:14-16
2. Spiritual Growth (sanctification) – 1 Peter 2:2. Like a newborn baby craves milk, we all should crave God’s word.
3. Spiritual Maturity – Hebrews 5:12-14. We should use the knowledge from the word to apply it to our daily life – put the word into practice!
4. Spiritual Guidance – Psalm 119:105
5. Spiritual Stability (firm foundation) – Matthew 7:24-27
6. Spiritual Insight/Discernment – Hebrews 4:12
7. Spiritually Equipped – 2 Timothy 3:16-17
8. Spiritual Victory – Matthew 4:1-11
9. Spiritual Blessings – Psalm 19:7-11
Upcoming events at Center Hill:
Join us for our new Olympians Children’s Ministry on Wednesday nights from 6-8 p.m. (includes free dinner). The youth (7-12th grade) will be attending Chilton County Disciple Now Weekend, April 8-10. Guest speaker will be Wes Springer and worship led by Elevate. Please contact Tim Crist for more information: phone 205-688-4332 or email:
Check out our website at to find out about other upcoming events at the church.

Cedar Grove
The pear trees are prettier than I have ever seen them. Spring is on its way. It didn’t feel much like it today, but it will warm up soon.
“I’ll Fly Away” and “Home of the Soul” was the beginning of our service. Those two will get you going. We were dismissed into our classes.
We have many prayer requests. Jewel Robinson went on to be with the Lord on Saturday, March 5. Also, Dolly Price (Steve’s mother) went home to be with the Lord. Pray for both families. We loved them both; they will truly be missed.
Also remember the family of Josh Newman, the Jemison policeman who had the fatal accident. He was on his way to an accident above Jemison in which a 2-year-old child was thrown out of the car. She is a niece of Jimmy Flowers, a member of our church.
The child is in the hospital at this writing.
Robin Horton is to have brain surgery March 8, and Jacob Vines (Brother Heath’s son) is to have tubes put in his ears Tuesday. Please pray for all of these families.
Before worship service we had several good congregation songs. Brother Alton Russell sang “I Was There When It Happened,” Sister Patricia Cleckley sang “He’ll Hold To My Hand” (Sister Amelia Hubbard accompanied her), and Brother Chris Cleckley and his mom, Patricia, sang “Come Morning.”
Brother Tim Scott brought the message Sunday morning from Ezekiel 22:23-30. He preached a very good message; he tells it like it is, like Brother Jeff Carroll does. We all need to have our toes stepped on.
Sunday evening’s service was very good. The service was opened by “Victory In Jesus” and “When The Roll Is Called Up Yonder.” The choir sang “Goodbye World Goodbye” and “He’ll Pilot Me.”
Brother Heath Vines preached a good message entitled “Pollution.” His text was taken from Isaiah 56:1-7.
We are having a guest speaker next Sunday, Brother Jamie Coulter. Come on out and hear him preach; we hear he is very good.
There will be a baptizing next Sunday night. Tyler Jackson is being baptized.
We welcome all our visitors, and we hope you will come again.
We are located three miles south of Thorsby just off County Road 37 next to Brother Harold Garrison’s beautiful farm.
Remember to run your clocks up one hour before going to bed Saturday night.

Mt. Springs
Brother Don’s message came from 2 Samuel 13-24 and was entitled, “Having The Right Attitude In Your Prayer Life.” Brother Don explained three attitudes we can see in David’s prayer that will help us have the right attitude when we pray.
The first attitude is one of persistence. David prayed and fasted for seven days for the sick child. We need to pray, pray and pray some more that the person on our heart will be touched. Don’t give up. Every time we pray, we bring the power of God into their life.  When we become weary, remember the PUSH theory. Pray Until Something Happens.
The second attitude is to pray for the grace of God in the situation. Neither we nor the object of our prayers deserve anything. We ask for grace and mercy.
The third attitude is to accept the answer we receive. We must be submissive to the will of God. The hardest part of prayer is accepting the answer that we get. Our faith must be enough to trust in the will and purpose of God when He tells us “No.” We have to really believe He takes the bad and makes good come to us.
“All things work together for good to them that love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.”

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
After a beautiful prelude, the choir blessed us with our call to worship, “Standing on the Solid Rock” followed by our hymn of celebration, “Victory in Jesus.”
We were blessed to have a very talented young man do reading of the scripture from Matthew 17:1-3, 5 and our Affirmation of Faith. Thank you, Tristen Gore.
Jerry Tippett did announcements. A church-wide bowling trip is planned for March 12; see Joe Bice.
Anyone 14 or older interested in playing softball, also see Joe Bice.
Anyone interested in signing up for flowers in the sanctuary should see Virginia Littlefield.
For church T-shirts, see Debra Florea.
Our Lenten lunch schedule for the first three weeks are as follows: The Rev. Tony Smitherman and Eddie Lightsey on March 16, The Rev. Randy Reid and Lacy Ellison on March 23, and The Rev. Jake McCall and Jennifer Baker on March 30.
Our special music was “Praise Medley” by the choir and a song from Gail Nettles, followed by our hymn of preparation, “I Know Whom I Have Believed.”
Lisa Abbott told of her experiences on her “Walk to Emmaus,” and Sonja Horn was just as excited. We are very proud of these ladies.
Special music was “Amazing Grace” by Benjie Abbott.
Bro. Tony will be bringing the message of “Transforming Power of God” for the month of March. He reminded us Sunday morning that we cannot live in the past. If we try, all that old luggage will only weigh us down (Philippians 3:12-14).
Paul uses some of his favorites, “I am more in Christ Jesus” and “The one that is in you is greater than he that is in the world.”
God has a plan for us. Anybody can be in the Christ Jesus, and you must be in Jesus Christ before you can continue. No one but you; your own self can keep you from being “in Christ Jesus.”
An outstanding lunch was enjoyed by all as our building fund lunch.