February is Career/Tech Education Month
Published 4:10 pm Friday, February 11, 2011
Career/Technical Education (CTE) plays a vital role in educating and developing a qualified workforce to compete in today’s economy.
To that end, Probate Judge Bobby Martin recently signed a proclamation declaring the month of February as Career/Technical Education month.
This year’s theme is “Learning Today, Earning Tomorrow” and highlights what Chilton County students are learning in Career/Technical Education programs today and how it will lead to successful careers in the future.
There are presently 34 career/technical teachers in Chilton county teaching 42 different programs.
Instructors in the programs combine critical thinking and problem solving, collaboration, communication and creativity, and innovation to help students to be college and career ready.
CTE programs combine academics, 21st century skills, and CTE strategies to work together to bridge the gap between academics, employability and technical skills.
Hands-on activities, project and problem based learning, field work and internships are methods used to implement the Career/Tech Course of Study.

Probate Judge Bobby Martin signs a proclamation declaring February Career/Technical Education Month. Also shown are Superintendent Dave Hayden and Carol Easterling, career/tech supervisior.
Currently, one out of every two high school students in Alabama participates in a career and technical education program.
These students have an opportunity to explore their career options in more than 300 courses, earn advanced diplomas, and receive technical college credit.
In October 2003, the Alabama Department of Education announced that its Business and Industry Certification (BIC) process used to certify career and technical education programs for industry compliance had been awarded certification from the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).
The Alabama Department of Education is one of the only state-level education agencies in the U.S. to receive this certification.
According to the Association for Career and Technical Education, research shows that many of the country’s fastest growing occupations require the technical, communication, time management, and the leadership skills taught in America’s career and technical education programs.
Research also shows that among high school graduates entering the workforce, those with a technical education background earns more than those without this advantage.