Church news for Thursday, Jan. 13, 2011
Published 5:51 pm Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson focused on Revelation 22.
The morning message was taken from Acts 19:11-17. Bro. Shannon reminded us that Americans love knowing people and being known by people. We will spend a lot of time getting to know all we can about people we may never meet again, such as on vacation.
The same is true in our spiritual lives. The goal of God is for us to have an intimate relationship with him (Revelation 21:3). For this to happen, it is vitally important that we get to know all we can about God. Of course, God knows everything about us already, even the number of hairs on our heads (Matthew 10:30). Therefore, the responsibility to complete this requirement is entirely up to us.
How can we do this? Bro. Shannon suggested three ways: 1) accept Jesus as Lord, 2) study the word of God, and 3) live a life of righteousness. The end result will be a wonderful knowledge of God.
Bro. Shannon related the story of a certain Jewish priest who decided to cast out an evil spirit from a possessed man. He attempted this in the name of Jesus and Paul, of whom he had witnessed doing the same thing.
The evil spirit said, “I know Jesus, and I know Paul, but who are you?”
The question is the one we all should consider. Does Satan know us? If not, it means we don’t know God very well, as Satan does not mess with people who are not a threat to him. We must strive to know God better and allow Satan’s knowledge of us be a testimony to our intimate relationship with God. Paul warns us the devil is like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour. However, if we put on the whole armor of God and resist him, he will flee. We closed the service with Holy Communion.
Our Sunday evening Bible study focused on Holy Communion.
Happy birthday to Stephanie Tollett and Joseph Harris.
We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information, please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with ministry opportunities and welcome. Our fellowship chorus was “Jesus is the Sweetest Name I Know,” and the call to worship was “My Savior Lives,” followed by “He Lives.”
Following a preview of the Smoky Mountain Conference by Bro. Cleve, our choir presented the special music, “When I Think About the Lord.”
The message was brought by Bro. Brad, “Captivated by Christ” from Romans 6. There were no evening services due to the threat of winter weather.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5 p.m., followed by prayer meeting, choir practice for all choirs and youth group meeting at 6:30 p.m.
Students will depart Saturday morning at 7:30 for the Strength to Stand Conference.
Pray this week for Hunter Moore, Cathy Patton, Ricky Kendrick, James Harris, Pete Burnette, Shorty Short, Bro. James Moore, Carol Hayes, Brent Jackson, Myranell Martin, Bill Tifion, Dale Gandy, all families who lost loved ones, families affected by cancer, our shut-ins, residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, and all serving in the military.
Happy birthday this week to Robert Bradberry, Tim Cox, Dawson Rohrbough, Leta Beadlecomb, Austin Knight, Stephanie Gray, Kristal Gray, Cameron Hughes, Dylan Carroll, Sarah Griner, Scott Wesson, Shea Mims, Deb and Josh Taylor, Donna Johnson, Lois Mims and Ana Thompson.
A wedding reception and shower is planned for Jodi Denham Bice and Steven next Sunday night, Sunday, Jan. 17 at 7 p.m.
We hope everyone had a safe week.
Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus.
Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson entitled “Hezekiah: Spiritual Renewal.”
Bro Gary Fant got the morning service started off with “Tell It To Jesus Alone” and “There Is Power in the Blood.” Following the good singing Bro, Gary Fant blessed us with a beautiful song entitled “Looking for the Road Back Home.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Isaiah 40:25-31. There are things in this life we must give up to live the Christian life that we need to live. We as Christians need to just wait on the Lord and let him work in our lives the way that he wants to. We need to make up our minds that we are going to serve Jesus Christ and let him be number one in our lives all the time instead of just when he is convenient for us.
The service ended with several coming to pray.
Happy birthday this week to Janice Williams.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Kevin Bavar, Herschel Rhodes, Margie Baker, Marie Johnson, Susan Cagle, Juanita Wyatt, Charlie Johnson, the Phillip Parker family, Dale Lett, Pam Jones, Geraldine Smith, the Rip Childress family, our service men and women and our lost loved ones.
Cedar Grove
It was 28 degrees when we went to church Sunday morning and a roasting 32 when we started home.
The two songs before Sunday School were “Just a Little Talk With Jesus” and “I’ll Be Listening.” Brother Billy Joe Caton dismissed us into our classes.
Happy birthday to Norma Muir and Emily Jones, and happy anniversary to Felecia and Joey Patterson.
We had a good crowd despite the weather. Brother Jeff Carroll canceled the service for Sunday night due to the weather.
We have many on our prayer list. Brother Robert Childress is doing better. Pray for Dutchie Minor, he was injured in an accident with his tractor and is still in UAB at this writing. Sister Dollie Price (Steve’s mom) needs our prayers. Also, Sister Naomi Gillispie’s mom, Ruth Kate Parr, is very ill and is better than she was thanks to all the prayers from everyone. We miss Sister Patricia Cofer; she has been sick a few days and we pray that she will soon be back with us.
Robyn Bullard is expecting a baby boy soon but is having blood pressure problems. The doctor has her on complete bed rest, so please remember her and her baby when you pray.
Before Brother Jeff’s sermon he wanted to know the difference between a litter of puppies and an Alabama fan. The answer was a litter of puppies quit whining in about six weeks. Naturally, he got laughs from both sides.
Brother Jeff’s sermon was entitled “Jesus ,The True Vine.” His text came from John 15:1-12 and 2 Corinthians 6:14-18, 7:1.
Sister Amelia Hubbard sang the song of invitation, “The Blood.” Several went to the altar to pray.
Everyone, please be careful this week. This Bible scripture is on the page of my journal; it is one of my favorites: “Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you, He will never allow the righteous to be shaken” (Psalm 55:22).
Bible study is Wednesday night at 7. We are studying the book of Romans. Come on and join us.
Bethany Baptist Church
We should be thankful that the ice storm was not as severe as it could have been, with little or no power outages in our area. Continue to pray for continued safety on the roads this week until things clear up.
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Jean DeLoach, Jack Friday, Ellen Gray, Ernestine Hatch, our military, Larry Miller, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Jesse Wallace, Pastor Wallace; revival in America, Roller family, James Bixler and Geneva Cheek.
Bro. Aubry’s good message was taken from Matthew 13:18-23 which is Jesus’ Parable of the Sower. Everyone listening to Jesus that day could relate to the sowing of the seed. And we know that His teaching had a spiritual reference to how we respond to the seed of the word of God. We should all search our hearts and determine if we are responding as we should and, most importantly, bearing fruit.
Happy birthday on the Jan. 18 to David and Ron Peppers.
Hope to see you Sunday.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
It was a nice winter day as we came together to worship in the holy surroundings of God’s house, enjoying the prelude brought to us by Joan McGriff and Norma Popwell. After the responsive reading, the announcements were brought to us by Jerry Tippett, followed by the invocation and Consecration of Administrative Council.
Our celebration hymn was “Take Time To Be Holy,” then Diane Handley presented the children’s message. The choir sang the special music, “Here I Am Lord.”
Joys and concerns: Of course, the joys for those of us who missed last week were our very special new members of last week — Sheila and Roger Mims and Sara and Mark McPherson. Our concerns were: Kay Wade, Doris Maddox, Kim Mims’ mother-in-law, Evelyn’s daughter- in-law, Peggy Cleckler, Marylyn Popwell (who is scheduled for knee surgery in a couple of weeks) and her special sister who has been watching over her. Also, Ray Enfinger will have a procedure on Jan. 24. Lavada Attaway has been in very bad condition for three weeks; we appreciate those who have offered caring prayers. We were especially blessed of our dear friend, who, after calling and checking, simply said, “I’m on my way–I can do something.” This has really touched my heart; I was able to attend worship, thanks to those who expressed care and concern.
Bro Tony remembered the words from the “Story of Bryan Picalo”–This is a story of two great football players. Picalo was to learn that he had a rare cancer that would cause not only the loss of his eyesight but also his life. At his eulogy, Sayers said, “I loved Bryan Picalo. I want you to love Bryan Picalo, because if you knew him as I knew him you would also love him.”
I wish everyone of us would feel that same way about our Lord and Savior, about someone that we should surely love, someone who we owe everything to — just think about that.
The message was from John 1:29. John said, “There must be a Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world.” In giving his testimony, “I saw the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove and remain on him.” Then he said, “I have seen and I testify that this is the Son of God!”
Sorry, I wasn’t able to fellowship after the service. Thank you to those who helped make it possible that I might bring Lavada and her special sitter a dish. My God bless you special people.
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
By the time you are reading this, we will be almost halfway through the month of January 2011. That just seems impossible to imagine, but as we all keep saying, time just seems to fly by these days. We are into a new year and a season of new beginnings. Have you held up to your list of good intentions? Have you put God in the front of all you do? In this season of Epiphany, we can see it as a Christian celebration or also as a moment of revelation and insight. This is a wonderful time to start over and feel that the slate has been wiped clean. Look forward to 2011 as a new year and a chance to get yourself right with God.
Remember to pray for all those who are suffering, and there are so many, from various illnesses, ailments and injuries. Also pray for the many who have recently lost loved ones.
Come join us at Rocky Mount United Methodist Church, 14731 County Road 51. We look forward to seeing you on Sundays and Wednesdays.
Mt. Springs
Services began with congregational singing followed by a devotion taken from John 14:3. Sunday School attendance was 83. Happy 2nd birthday to Braden Barnett, son of Landon and Debbie. The date for our Valentine Banquet is set for Feb. 12 at 5:30.
Debbie Barnett sang “Still Blessed” and Brother Don brought the message from Joel 3 on “The Valley of Decision.” How long will you stay in the valley of decision? There are three groups of people in the valley of decision. They are the nations of the world, the unbeliever and the believer. God is calling all to repent of the mess we have made of our life and to make the decision to follow Him. He has given answers to all of life’s question in His word.
All decisions have consequences. The wrong decision (to stay in the valley of decision) leads to calamity, rejection and confusion. If you are not for God, then you are against Him. We cannot be lukewarm. He sees and hears our voices and our actions but sometimes they differ from what we have in our heart. If we truly believe, heart and actions will match. We must destroy our own will because the human will is contrary to God’s will. We must have a made up mind to go all the way with Jesus. Believe Him and lean on Him.
We invite you to come to 315 County Road 43, Clanton, Sunday mornings at 9:45 for Sunday School, 11 for worship, 5:30 Sunday night and 7 Wednesday night. We’d love for you to be a part of our worship service.
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Once again the weather forced us to cancel the Sunday night services. Be sure to check on your neighbors to be sure they are warm and safe.
After the choir gave us a rousing rendition of “Goodbye World Goodbye” we had altar prayer for several in the church who are sick. Always pray for the ones who are sick and hold them up before God’s throne. Just because we are well this week doesn’t mean we will be well and healthy next week.
The senior adults of the church will be having supper and a time of games and fellowship Saturday night. We always look forward to these get-togethers and it’s good for the senior adults to get out and mingle instead of staying home all the time.
We invite you to join us at Mars Hill for any and all our services. You are always welcome where the word of God is taught and preached.
Samaria Baptist Church
Our service began Sunday with the pledge of allegiance to the American Flag. As we celebrate our nation, we pray for our troops who are going through so much for our protection.
Our prayer requests also include: Brother Kenneth Brooks and his family in the loss of his wife, Annie; Don Driver, John’s step-dad, Roy Mims family, Kenny Cox family, Betty and Gerald Mims, and Ray Hardee.
Celebrating birthdays Sunday were Lashelle Harris and Elizabeth Jones. Also, Paul and Debbie Brooks celebrated a wedding anniversary.
Our pastor’s sermon text began with Luke 8:4-8. Jesus spoke in parables. Why do you suppose he did so? Most of us think in pictures rather than just written word. We visualize what we are hearing, and a physical example through a story makes it easy to understand Christ’s message. Being a great teacher, Jesus taught the truth and explained it so clearly. Parables put a man in position to see truth for himself, and not just hear it.
We should pray for the ability to raise kids in a way that is pleasing to God. He must be in charge. We must show honor to our children, and raise them with a love that God implants within us. Children know who likes them, and they can also sense if they are loved or just tolerated. One of our greatest instruments used to reach souls is Sunday School class. Children love this, and they grow and learn in a loving environment. We must all be students of God’s word. Conviction of sin draws us to Christ. God must have control, and with it He leads us to better choices, and greater faith to see us through difficult circumstances.
Felix did not find time to turn to God. Right hearts are glad to come to Christ. If you are embarrassed to show that you are a follower of Christ, then don’t be shocked when He is ashamed of you in front of God the Father.
Commitment to God must be made and allowed to take root. This enables fruit to be added to God’s ministry. Folks must be serious about commitment and not just “almost persuaded” as King Agrippa was. Almost is not enough, when you are left lost. Please visit us for wonderful fellowship, singing, and soul-stirring sermons at Samaria.