Veterans hang flags at BOE office
Published 10:30 pm Thursday, January 6, 2011
Proud new U.S. and Alabama flags are flying over the Chilton County Board of Education’s central office.
Superintendent of Education Dave Hayden said it was important to have the flags flying again. Older ones were taken down after becoming tattered.
The flags were donated by Sen. Cam Ward. Several veterans were on hand Thursday in recognition of the flags flying.
“We appreciate everything they — veterans — have done for us,” said Hayden.
Shown in the photo at right are Hayden; Gordon Smelley, whose Chilton Leadership class installed the flag pole and landscaping several years ago; and veterans, Jerry Grooms, Lally Bates, and Ocie Williams.
Grooms and Bates represented American Legion Douglas Glass Post 6; while Williams represented American Legion Post 343 and Chilton County Chapter 33 Disabled American Veterans.
Bates is also a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars.

New U.S. and Alabama flags hang at the Chilton County Board of Education central office on Lay Dam Road.