Town shops for Toys for Kids

Published 11:18 pm Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Sarah Bohannon shops at Walmart on Wednesday for toys and clothing to give to needy children as part of the town’s Toys for Kids drive.

Maplesville community members spent Wednesday morning shopping for gifts for the town’s annual Toys for Kids drive.

The town raised almost $9,000, which will be used to buy clothing and toys for 149 children. The money was raised through individual as well as corporate donations — Walmart presented the town with a $1,000 grant Wednesday. Youth in the community brought in $850 during a roadblock last month.

On average, $50 to $70 is spent per child, on at least one set of clothing and toys. Community members helping with the program also shopped at Maplesville’s Dollar General store.

Town clerk Sheila Haigler said some of the applications, where families ask for things such as toiletries like tooth and hairbrushes and basic clothing like shoes and underwear are heartbreaking.

“I think there’s a lot of children that wouldn’t have much of a Christmas (without Toys for Kids),” Haigler said. “It’s hard for these families to pay their bills, much less buy for Christmas.”

The family member who submitted the application will be able to pick up the presents Dec. 22.

The town has 21 more families it would like to help this holiday season, pending more donations.  Several criteria for families in the program are verified before approval, including income.

For more information about the Toys For Kids drive, contact Haigler at Maplesville Town Hall by phone at (334) 366-4211.