Church news for Thursday, Nov. 11, 2010
Published 9:40 pm Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson focused on Revelation 15.
The morning message was taken from 1 Corinthians 2:1-16 on the importance of reading manuals that deal with the items we buy before a problem happens. The same is true with the manual God gives us — the holy Bible. Reading this manual can help us to avoid reproof and correction. This prevention comes as a result of changes that take place when we read the Bible.
Paul gives us three of those changes in our scripture text. God’s word changes our spiritual health to assist us in fulfilling the great commandment, our wisdom to God’s wisdom, and our carnal lives to spiritual lives. These three changes are vitally important toward keeping us out of trouble in this world in which we live.
Our Sunday evening Bible study focused on James 2:1-12.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5:30; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
If the frost was not on the pumpkin Friday and Saturday mornings, it must have been protected. Many of the plants and vines showed definite evidence of frostbite following the two nights mentioned. But I am ready to welcome change. Our Lord, who created the world and everything in it, made no mistakes, so rejoice and be glad in it.
Sunday our service began with welcoming Mr. and Mrs. Hargrove from Tulsa, Okla., who were visiting Dr. Stinson and Glenda. Other guests were the Stinson daughter, Ann; husband Chris Stillman; and their two teenage children who recently moved into our area from Denver. Visitors are always welcome at CIMC.
Dr. Stinson took his scripture reading from Luke 20:20-40.
The events written of in this scripture occurred during the final week of the life of Jesus as he was moving closer and closer to his death on the cross. Luke 19:45 says, “And he went into the temple, and began to cast out those that sold therein, and them that bought.” Luke 20:1-8 tells us how the elders and scribes came upon him and sought to trick Jesus by asking him, “Is it lawful to pay taxes unto Caesar?”
But Jesus, as always, saw the question as a trick to trap him and didn’t fall for their trap. One would think that by this time in the life of our Lord only a dull-minded person would have thought that he could be tricked so easily.
Luke 21:1-4 recounts the story of the most inspiring accounts in the life of Jesus. The lesson for us being that Jesus does not judge us by the amount of money we give for his kingdom. He is more impressed with our financial circumstances than with the amount we give. He was more impressed with the widow’s two mites than with the rich men’s gifts.
Special prayer is requested for BeeBee Sammons’ family, Mable Mitchell, Opal Miller, Wilma Ellison, Jean Gilmore, Kelley Parker and for our church family members who are traveling. Pray for our military, their families, our nation, church, Dr. Stinson, Glenda, and for each other. Especially remember that Thursday, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. We pray for God to richly bless all our veterans who have given service for our country. Our veterans here at CIMC are Stacy Adams, Horace Carden, Carl Glass, David Lufta, Phil Simms, Harold Williams and Dr. Mac Stinson.
Don’t miss the opportunity to thank all our veterans on their day.
Saturday, Nov. 13 at 5 p.m. we will observe our harvest supper and program. We urge all church members to be present and invite members of your personal family to come join us for this special time.
Have a blessed week.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
We were blessed with two great messages on this Lord’s Day. Our attendance was good, but we encourage our members to attend and visitors are always welcomed.
Bro. Derrell’s sermon for Sunday morning was taken from John 19:1-5 and entitled, “Behold the Man.” The book of John shows that Jesus is the Messiah, the Christ, the Savior of the world. Chapter 19 teaches Jesus crucified, his trial, death and burial. Pilate saith unto this, “I find no fault in him,” then Pilate questioned the soldiers and the chief priests, and they cried out, “Crucify him!”
It was so good to have Johnny and Ruthie Jean Giles able to come and worship with us Sunday. God has heard and answered our prayers that have been prayed for this couple.
Sunday, Nov. 14 at 2 p.m. will be a baby shower for Rena Lawrence. It’s a girl! Rena has registered for the baby at Target, Babies ‘R’ Us and Baby Depot.
Bring your shoeboxes that you have filled for Operation Christmas Child. We will have a dedication service for all these shoeboxes Sunday night, Nov. 14.
Our Relay for Life yard sale is being prepared for. Bring your yard sale items to the church life center. The date will be announced later.
Mark your calendar for Men’s Day on Sunday, Nov. 21. We look forward to this Sunday when the men have charge of our Sunday School and worship service. Be much in prayer for our men that will be serving this Sunday.
Sunday night we paid tribute to Veterans Day by singing patriotic songs. We give thanks to the ones that serve our country.
Sunday night’s message was entitled, “The Transforming Touch” (Mark 4:21-43). A woman was healed as she touched Jesus’ garment. She felt she was healed of her plague. Jesus said, “Thy faith hath made thee whole.”
Jairus said, “My little daughter lieth at the point of death,” and Jesus said, “Be not afraid, only believe.” We need to feel the touch of the Lord. Ask for a touch from God and come seeking and expecting a touch from God.
As the week goes by, remember to read your Bible and pray daily. Pray for us and the names on our prayer list and all the requests; God knows each name. Please remember to call out Cecil Franklin’s name as you pray. Go to church somewhere Sunday.
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
What a wonderful day in the life of any church! First, we celebrated Laity Day and had so many different faces filling in for different people. It was especially heartwarming to see the youth take such an active part in our services.
Our lay speaker, Charlotte Powell, brought us the message for Sunday and after we got some laughs out of names like Judas and Jezabelle and how they are no longer used to name our children based on what the name represents to us, we went on to hear a very good message. What we came out with was that we have been redeemed because we have been delivered and the price has already been paid for us. Our job is to stay so close to God that as we walk, others will see God’s light through us and hopefully we can help others be able to one day see those pearly gates with foundations of precious stones and those gleaming streets of gold.
Following our service, our pastor and his family were honored and received gifts of appreciation as well as being the honored guests at a covered dish luncheon.
We invite you to join us Sunday, Nov. 14 as our guest speaker will be Phil Alfrey, a missionary helping American teens in Europe and Asia on military installations. Please call the church office at 688-2204 if you have any questions.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
It was a special day in the life of Walnut Creek as we celebrated the birth of our oldest living member, Myrtice Enfinger, a member of our church for 90 years. Her family assisted in the beautiful service.
Special music was “There’s Just Something About That Name” by Sara and Mark McPherson, daughter and son-in-law.
Our message from Bro. Tony came from the scripture passage John 10:7: “I have come that you may have life and have it more abundantly.” I don’t think that he meant the resources of this world; I don’t believe he meant things — there is nothing wrong with having things, but there is a problem in loving those things in a wrong way, and that’s so easy to do.
This is a great time of celebration that we are going through. The early Church celebrated Easter every Sunday. Maybe that’s what we need to do today, celebrate that Christ is alive.
I want us to celebrate that abundance that Christ is talking about in three ways: love, life and family. A writer said, “You will find that when you look back on your life, and find that the times when you truly lived, was in the spirit of love.”
Someone said, “To be lucky in love is falling in love again—to the same person.” Show someone else acceptance and appreciation. Make every day a celebration of love. If you want to make someone happy, listen! Everyone matters. It’s not the things that matter—it’s people. Turn your eyes upon Jesus—Celebrate life every single day.
Remember Taylor Hughes in prayer as he begins the long road to recuperating. Also remember Mary Payton, Horace Smith, Marilyn Popwell, Peggy Cleckler, Johnnie and Jamie Mims, Pam Ratliff and Lavada Attaway.
After Sunday’s service, everyone enjoyed a wonderful meal provided by the Enfinger family and served by the ladies of church.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with ministry opportunities and welcoming. The fellowship choir sang “Bless the Lord, O My Soul,” and John Yates directed our music and sang “God of Wonders.” He also provided special music and sang “Word of God Speak.”
Our morning message was brought by Jerry Pipes from Luke 16:31.
Sunday evening we hosted a parenting conference and enjoyed a concert by our children and students. The evening message came from James 1:2. God was truly glorified this week, and many decisions were made.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:45, followed by prayer meeting, The Outlet for students, and children’s choir practice.
Pray this week for Hazel Green, Joyce Leonard, Steve Poarch, Katrina Thrasher, Caleb Mims, Charles and Gladys Bryant, Kacy Barrett, William Jacks, Glenda Mims, Pettus Smith, Cathy Patton, Rita Brasher, Don Knight Sr., Billy Ray Mims, James Smith, Vickie Knight, Jessie Easterling, Brent Jackson, Renee Taylor, Hershel Blalock and the Thornton family.
Pray for all families who lost loved ones, families affected by cancer, our shut-ins, and the people who are in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Happy birthday this week to Al Evans, Justin Pack, Brenda Lyster, Brad Eubank, Frankie Smith, Emily Baker and Roger Yeargan. Happy anniversary to Marshal and Hazel Green (56 years).
Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus.
Jackson Chapel
Sis. Marie Rhodes got the Sunday School hour started off with a good lesson entitled “Salvation and the Holy Spirit.” Bro. Gary Fant got the morning service started off with “Just Over in the Glory Land” and “When We All Get To Heaven.” Bro. Horace Wyatt blessed us with a beautiful song, “Look For Me At Jesus Feet,” and in the absence of Bro Dennis Smith, Dewayne Castleberry brought the morning message entitled “Where Do You Stand?” taken from Acts 5:15-31. If we as Christians will do what God asks us to do when something happens, he will always make a way of escape. Everyone should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, but it is just a matter of when because if we bow here on earth and we’re a Christian Jesus will take us home to be with him. The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro. Gary Fant got the evening service started off with “Footsteps of Jesus,” “Where Could I Go” and “Come Morning.” Bro. Gary Fant blessed us with “More Than I Ever Ask For” and Misty Burnett sang “Praise His Name.” In the absence of Bro Dennis Smith, Chris Burnett brought the message taken from Revelation 3:8 and Nehemiah 4:17-18. There are doors that no man can open, and there are doors that no man can shut, but with God all things are possible. The devil is always standing right around the corner waiting to destroy everything that God has built up, so we as Christians need to always stay on guard so when Satan comes against us we will be able to withstand the wiles of the devil. The service ended with everyone gathering around the altar to pray.
Please remember these as you pray this week: Daniel Cleckler, Glenda Hill, Devaughn Welcher, Janie Smitherman, Herschel Rhodes, Margie Waites, Cole Riley, James Johnson, Danny Rhodes, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7. We also have Kid’s Club on Wednesday nights at 7 for grades 1-6.
Bethany Baptist Church
Memory verse: “If it be possible, as much as lieth in you, live peaceably with all men” (Romans 12:18).
Sunday morning Bro. Aubry brought a message on Sheep and The Shepherd, using John 10:1-5. There are several ways we might compare ourselves to sheep: They cannot clean themselves. Jesus cleanses us from our sins. Sheep are defenseless; we as Christians need God’s protection against the devil and the world. Sheep are prone to wander. We, like sheep, have gone astray; we have turned every one to his own way. We need guidance and direction. Jesus Christ is the Good Shepherd and gave His life for our sins. And we can have assurance of our home in heaven if we trust in Him as our Savior.
Upcoming events: Thanksgiving Missions Offering (Goal $1,850); Food Drive for Emergency Assistance Center, Clanton.
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Sherry Cooper, Jean DeLoach, Ashley Friday, Jack Friday, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, our military, Doug Mims Family, Nell Mims, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Debbie Roberson, Jesse Wallace, Pastor Wallace, revival in America.
See you Sunday!
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Sunday was another beautiful day to serve the Lord with gladness of heart. After a soul searching message from James 5 and how we can corrupt our riches that God has given us, we had things to think about and how we as individuals should use our riches.
Thursday, Nov. 11 is Veterans Day. Please, let’s remember to pray for our soldiers. These people put themselves in harm’s way for us. The next time you see a soldier, shake his or her hand, tell them you appreciate what they are doing for our country. I don’t know where this quote originated and I have seen it several times: “If you can read this thank a teacher, if you are reading this in English, thank a soldier.” Our country was built on the word of God and we need to get back to that. To all our military, thank you, and may God bless you and keep you safe in His care.
Our youth and the WMU at Mars Hill will be having a huge yard sale Nov. 19-20 in the church fellowship hall. Please support them in their efforts.
Nov. 14 we will be having our churchwide Thanksgiving meal at 5 p.m. We believe the ladies at Mars Hill are the best cooks in the county. Can’t you already just taste the chicken and dumplings, baked ham and kraut salad? And don’t forget those wonderful pound cakes! Each lady seems to have a special dish that she brings, and we all look forward to having our meal time together.
Visit us for any and all our services, we look forward to having you. Sunday School is at 10 a.m., Sunday morning services at 11, Discipleship Training at 5 p.m. and evening service at 6. Wednesday night services begin at 7.
Cedar Grove Methodist-Protestant Church
We began a beautiful, chilly day Sunday with the congregation singing, “Heaven’s Jubilee” and “I’ll Be Listening.”
Brother Steve led the congregation in singing “Jesus is Coming Soon” and Where The Soul Never Dies.” Brother Jim Lowery sang “Calvary Is The Reason Why, a very beautiful song, and Brother Jim did a great job singing it. Chris Cleckley sang “The Anchor Holds,” and the altar filled, tears flowed and God truly came by.
Sister Ellen Ruth Scott went home to be with the Lord this week. We know she will be missed, but she is happy now and not suffering anymore. Keep her family in your prayers. Special prayers are needed for Brother Ken Robinson; he is very ill at this time. Pray for our country, leaders and all the sick and shut-ins. Also remember all spoken and unspoken prayer requests.
Our Veterans were recognized and thanked for their part in our freedom. They are Jim Lowery, Douglas Scott, Byron Cummings, Earl Caton, Billy Joe Caton, Alton Russell, Steve Price and Don Tippett. Ken Robinson and Jimmy Flowers are two of our veterans that were absent; we thank them and all veterans everywhere. We know that freedom is not free.
Brother Jeff preached a good sermon entitled, “What the Church is Built On.” His scripture came from Matthew 16:13-19; 21:33-46. Several were anointed after the message.
The evening service began with singing “Living By Faith” followed by “The Old Gospel Ship.”
Brother Heath’s message was about temptation; his text came from James 1 and 1 Peter 1:6-7.
We have things happening around here — Old Fashion Day and Pastor Appreciation Day will be Sunday Nov. 21. That will be the date of our Thanksgiving dinner also. Everyone come with your old timey clothes, let’s make a fun day out of it. We have had a year to prepare for it, so no excuses about having nothing to wear.
We welcome all our visitors, and we are looking forward to you coming back.
“Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he will sustain you. He will never allow the righteous to be shaken” (Psalm 55:22).
Samaria Baptist Church
Sunday was another beautiful Lord’s day at Samaria to worship our Lord and Savior. Floyd Collins sang “The next time He comes” with Lashelle Harris playing piano for him. Our Pastor, Bro. Charles Brooks’ message was entitled, “The Things Death Teaches.” Text was from 2 Corinthians 5:1-5. God prepared heaven for us Himself. God’s word comes from Him through the written Bible. God sent a Savior, and the gift of a Savior is far more important than we sometimes realize. Death teaches us the importance of God’s truth. Death teaches the importance of eternal security in our Savior, Jesus Christ. Jesus died to give us eternal security. The devil cannot remove God’s spirit from the heart of man.
Death teaches security of all God’s promises. Isaiah says that God redeems us, by name, forever. He is with us always, through rivers, fire and storm. God made us in His image to put his spirit in our hearts.
We all have burdens, God has solutions. God’s promises are true, and they never fail. The importance that He will be with us always. Those who die in Christ, never really die. Our everlasting God makes no mistakes. He knows what He is doing, and He says those who serve Him will walk and not faint. Heaven is real, not make-believe, imaginary, not a dream. Heaven is a real place with wonderful reunions with family and friends who have gone on before. Hope is tied to eternal truth. Time will come for God to make everything right. Time flies—and we are nearer to heaven than ever before. Celebrate the moment and victory in Jesus.
Our prayer requests today are James Earl and Charlotte Smitherman, Ray and Phylis Hardee, Walter and Drusilla Hudgins, and Wendy Stone.
Americans must not allow Islamic rule to dictate laws in our land. All people must lay aside worldly things in order to have Christ. God imputes righteousness to us. We inherit His righteousness as His children.
We praise God for His blessings to our nation, our military, and we offer prayers for His protection on every aspect of our soldiers’ lives.
Please join us for a real blessing of God’s power. We urge you to worship with us at Samaria, and may God bless you this Veterans Day.