Church news for Thursday, Nov. 4, 2010

Published 6:16 pm Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Lime Springs United Methodist Church

Our Sunday School lesson focused on Revelation 14.

Mary Hurst brought a special message Sunday morning on “changing our world.” Her talk was part of the Emmaus Community program in which she will be participating in November. It was an inspiring message that caused us to think about ways to change the world around us. We closed the service with the beautiful hymn, “Here I Am, Lord.”

We enjoyed a fifth Sunday singing Sunday evening with a covered dish supper to follow. Everyone had a great time.

Happy anniversary to Rick and Mary Hurst and Dana and Jamie Moore.

Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5:30; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.

For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 755-6356.

Christ Independent Methodist Church

With the beginning of November and the approach of our official Thanksgiving Day, we began to set the mood Sunday by our hymn of praise, “Let All Things Now Living,” followed by our call to worship, “A Song of Thanksgiving.”

Dr. Stinson took his scripture reading from Luke 19:1-10. Most of us probably heard this scripture first as little children in Bible school. This story not only taught me to identify Zacchaeus, but also to identify the sycamore tree that he climbed.

Luke 19:3-4 says that Zacchaeus was a rich man and he sought to see Jesus, but could not for the press and because he was little of stature. And he ran before and climbed up into a sycamore tree to see him, for he was to pass that way.

Imagine the surprise of Zacchaeus when Jesus approached his hiding place and called out for him to come down because Jesus planned to eat lunch with him that day. Feeling safe and securely hidden among the large leaves of the sycamore tree, Zacchaeus rose to the occasion and came down hastily and received Jesus joyfully. The lesson in this for us today is that we are never hidden from our Lord. Just because we are behind a wall does not mean that we are hidden from God’s all-seeing eye. Even our thoughts are known to him. Zacchaeus received quite an education that day.

Dr. Stinson shared some research facts that he had gathered concerning what height indicates regarding a man’s chances for success. Tall men were said to be more successful than short men in general. Sixteen of our presidents have been more than 6 feet tall with Abraham Lincoln being the tallest.

Our praise report for this week is thankfulness for the remarkable improvement in the condition of Adell Edmondson, Dr. Stinson’s mother. After surgery, time spent in the hospital and nursing home, and a lengthy recovery, she was able to go back to her own home this week. Prayer works and miracles still happen. We thank each of you who sent prayers, along with our own, heavenward for this lady.

Continue to pray for Dr. Stinson and Glenda, Opal Miller, Wilma Ellison, June Simms, Preston Thrash, Kelly Parker, our military and their families, our church, our country and for each other.

Our harvest supper will be Saturday, Nov. 13 following the service in the fellowship hall. Mark your calendars for this special time. Family members are welcome.

Remember our Singspiration service Sunday, Nov. 7 at 5 p.m.

Have a blessed week.

Mt. Carmel No. 1

The morning service began with the ministry of our church drama team entitled, “Jesus Out Loud.” The congregation sang “Bless That Wonderful Name” and “Victory in Jesus,” and after the singing the youth concluded their program with the ministry of “Total Eclipse of the Heart.”

Bro. Derrell’s message for the morning worship was entitled “The Best is Yet to Come” (John 2:1-10). It was a very fitting message to go along with the drama ministry the youth presented. The governor of the feast called the bridegroom and saith unto him, “Every man at the beginning doth set forth good wine; but thou hast kept the good wine until now.” The best is yet to come (Revelation 21:10-27).

Our evening service was a blessing. We enjoyed singing the old-time Gospel songs. Our fellowship hour was enjoyed by all following the singing service. Our Sunday evening service was a blessing of God’s love.

The children of our church truly had a very good time and lots of fun last Friday night with their Trunk-or-Treat. An added attraction was the petting of the coon brought by Mr. Hermus for the children to enjoy.

Saturday night at 5:30 we ask our Prime-Timers and all that would like to join us at Kountry Kitchen for a supper date.

Remember to pray for Irene Watley Smitherman and family, whose loved one, John Smitherman, has gone on to be with the Lord.

The youth will be having Bible study and drama practice on Wednesday nights at 7 in the life center. All organizations of the church will have their monthly meetings Wednesday night.

All those that missed last Wednesday night’s Bible trivia really missed a fun time. The ladies won. Our Bible study will be the book of Proverbs starting Nov. 17.

Pray for the worldwide ministry of Samaritan’s Purse and Operation Christmas Child. Help carry the Gospel to the ends of the earth. Start filling your shoeboxes for the children’s Christmas.

Please remember our church and church family in your prayers as you pray this week. We ask prayer for Gertrude Maudlin, Nell Mull and George Campbell. Our prayer list goes on, and God knows each name and all the needs. You are welcome to come worship with us at Mt. Carmel anytime.

The Church of God’s Word

Happy anniversary to Bro. Ray and Sis. Mary Jo Edwards.

Bro. Ray Edwards opened our services with prayer this Sunday. This week’s Sunday School lesson came from Galatians 3:28. There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is neither bond nor free, there is neither male nor female, for ye are all one in Christ Jesus. The blessing from God proves what kind of relationship we have with God.

We as children of God are to be setting an example for others. We should love as Christ loved the church.

Ephesians 4:26-32: “Be ye angry and sin not. Let not the sun go down upon your wrath.”

Nicole Edwards did a drama, which posed the question, “Can you look down on me or do you have to look away?”

Remember Bro. Doug and Shirley Langston in prayer. Also remember our street ministry.

Closing prayer was by Bro. Jimmy Langston.

Walnut Creek United Methodist Church

Our call to worship Sunday was “There’s Something About That Name.”

Coming events: Nov. 2, ladies outreach at 9:30 a.m.; Nov. 7, birthday lunch honoring Myrtice Enfinger; Nov. 14, building fund lunch and later Hanging of the Greens at 5:30 p.m. followed by Thanksgiving dinner at 6:30 p.m.

Jerry and Nina Tippett, Duane Jones, Shirley Henley, Irene Croissant and Norma Popwell sang “Nearer My God to Thee” for special music.

Remember the following in prayer this week: college kids home, Taylor Hughes after knee surgery, Myrtice Enfinger, Marilyn Popwell, Pam Headley’s mother and Gail Nettles’ mother.

It was a joy to see Sue Belcher; she always brings sunshine. Trish Bice’s father is much better. Pam Headley’s mother is not doing well. Those who have been praying for Lavada Attaway, she is doing well after cataract surgery this week and had a good weekend.

Bro. Tony’s message came from Luke 19. The body of Christ is the Church, made up of those who have been born again.

To get here we had to be born into the world, and if you are to be a part of the body of Christ, you must be born into it! You must be born again! Zacchaeus learned that — he was a wealthy tax collector. He must have thought, “Here I am, part of the most religious people in the world, but something is missing.” We don’t know what he knew about Jesus, but he knew he knew Jesus had something that he needed. When Jesus saw him up in that tree, he told him to come down and that he was to have a meal with him. Zacchaeus then committed himself to Jesus and said, “I will give half my belongings to the poor, and if I have cheated anyone, I will repay him four times that amount.”

On Nov. 21 we will gather here and celebrate the Hanging of the Green, preparing our sanctuary for the beginning of the Advent season, or the coming of the King.

We welcome our newest member, Edwin Easterling, to Walnut Creek.

Bethsalem Baptist Church

Our morning service began with fellowship and congregational singing.

During our children’s message, we learned about Operation Christmas Child. You can fill a shoebox and help children around the world enjoy Christmas this year. You may also bring canned goods for the food drive.

Roger Yeargan recognized Bro. Brad and Bro. Cleve to show our appreciation with a love gift. We do love and appreciate them for their work and love for God, and what they do for our church families.

Special music was presented by the Celebration Choir, singing “It’s Not In Vain.”

Our morning message was brought to us from 2 Timothy 2:20-26 and entitled, “Be the Right Kind of Vessel.”

During our evening service, we had trick-or-treating for the children. Thanks to all who helped. It was a great time of fellowship.

Wednesday night is family supper at 5:45, followed by prayer meeting, The Outlet for students and choir practice.

Pray for Bro. Hershell Blalock, Amanda Arnold, Katrina Thrasher, Caleb Mims, Hunter Moore, Charles and Gladys Bryant, Kacy Barrett, Brett Jackson, William Jacks, Glenda Mims, Pettus Smith, Cathy Patton, Anna Clemmons, Barber Caruthers, James Smith, Dennis Vasser and Doris Robinson.

Happy birthday this week to Gary Paul Hand, Justin Carroll, Ryan Gray, Payton Wallace, Judson Hill, Jarrett Baker, Mary Katherine Dryden, E.H. Phillips, Nathan Martin, Caylen Smith, Halie Hines, J.T. Glasscock and Alexis Willis.

Nov. 7 will be our 48-hour revival with Jerry Pipes and John Yates. Bring your Friendship Connection people.

Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus.

Bethany Baptist Church

Memory verse: “Recompense to no man evil for evil.  Provide things honest in the sight of all men” (Romans 12:17).

Sunday morning a men’s group sang “Leaning on the Everlasting Arms.”  Bro. Aubry’s sermon was taken from Romans 8:31-39, “Evidences of God’s Love For Us.” When things happen that make us doubt if God loves us, go to God’s word. Consider just a few verses (Romans 8:35, 37-39):  “Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall tribulation, or distress, or persecution, or famine, or nakedness, or peril, or sword?  Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through Him that loved us.  For I am persuaded, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, not height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord.”  There will be no separation from His love — not ever!

Upcoming events:  Thanksgiving Missions Offering (Goal $1,850); Food drive for Emergency Assistance Center; Revival services at Landmark Baptist Church in Prattville on Nov. 8-10.

Prayer list:  Lillian Burkhalter, Sherry Cooper, Ashley Friday, Jack Friday, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, our military, Nell Mims, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Pastor Wallace, revival in America.

See you Sunday!

Mars Hill Baptist Church

Sunday was another beautiful day to hear the word preached, sing, serve and praise the Lord. We should take time to just look around us at the little things that God has given us to enjoy — the bright sunshine, the colors and smells. The most wonderful smell in the world is freshly cut hay. Serving God with our little is the way to make it more. What God has honored we must never think of as wasted.

We have many opportunities for service at Mars Hill. Sunday School is at 10 a.m., morning worship at 11, children’s church during the regular morning service, Discipleship Training at 5 p.m. and evening worship at 6. Choir practice is after the regular Sunday night service. Wednesday night Bible Study is at 7.

We need everyone to help with the Operation Christmas Child project. We have a goal of 75 boxes this year. This is an ambitious goal but with your help we can do it.

Do you run from God? Do you try to hide from Him? Wherever you are, He will find you, and if you are one of His children He will bring you back into the fold. Whatever it takes to bring you back to Him, be assured that’s what He will do. Remember and tremble, whatever it takes.

We could all use a little help with our self esteem at times, and a few kind words work wonders. Give a kind word to someone today in the form of a compliment. Thank the cashier who has already been standing on her feet for four hours, hold the door for an elderly person; tell a child how special he or she is. The more you give, the more you get.

We welcome our visitors to Mars Hill, and if you are looking for a church home, come visit us. We have a place for you.

Cedar Grove Methodist-Protestant Church

What a wonderful, glorious day to be in the Lord’s house.

Chris Cleckley led the congregation songs Sunday morning with “Victory in Jesus” followed by “Just a Little Talk With Jesus.”

Please remember to keep Sister Ellen Ruth Scott and Brother Kenneth Robinson in your prayers; both are very ill at this time.

Sister Amelia Hubbard sang “My Father’s House” and Sister Sandra Carroll sang “More.” Both were a blessing to hear.

Happy birthday to Kaden Collins, Jordan Harvely, Jim Lowery, Brandi Wyatt, Gwen Vines and Sean and Riley Patterson.

Brother Jeff’s message was entitled, “What is the Purpose of Life,” and his text came from Ecclesiastes 12:12-14, Joshua 24:14-15 and Matthew 33. Many went to the altar and prayed.

Our evening service began with “Jesus Is Coming Soon” and “The Old Gospel Ship.” Sister Amelia sang “I Claimed The Blood” and Brother Alton and Sister Amelia sang, “I Just Took a Look in the Back of the Book.”

Brother Heath preached a good message from Jeremiah 1:4-10, and several went to the altar to pray.

We are very happy to say five were baptized Sunday night. These were Jean Varden, Jessica Collins, Cassy Thompson, Reese Thompson and James Kemp. Dennis Thompson was dedicated to the Lord also.

Remember to run your clocks back before you go to bed Saturday night. We don’t want to get to church an hour early and have to wait.

Pray for our country, fighting men and women, all the sick and shut-ins, people with emotional problems, our church and the ones who have suffered the loss of a loved one.

An update on the church: We have our sign up! Many thanks to all who helped with this, especially Brother Ralph Hayes. It was his idea, and now it is finished. The sign looks great.

We are located three miles south of Thorsby just off County Road 37 next to Brother Harold Garrison’s Farm. For more information, call 646-2390.

Rocky Mount United Methodist Church

What wonderful weather we were blessed with for this last weekend of fall, Halloween, and the fifth Sunday of October.  As you make your preparations for next Sunday, remember to set your clock back.  It’s fine to arrive early at the Lord’s house, but you might wish you had not missed that extra hour of sleep.

Speaking of next Sunday, Rocky Mount will be having laity Sunday and many different faces will be filling roles in the worship service.  Mick Snow will be our speaker for the morning.  We invite everyone to come join us.

On Sunday, Nov. 14, we will welcome Phil Alfrey to speak on the work being done in Europe and Asia to help American teens on military installations.  Join us for this enlightening service.

Thursday, Nov. 11 will be our final “It’s Sew Fun” day for 2010.  Join us at 9:30 for a fun morning and delicious meal.

With Sunday being the fifth Sunday of the month, we gave Brother Willard the day off.  We were delighted to have him and Faye with us, but our service was led by Charlotte Powell.  Charlotte’s message of “Milk or Meat” really gave us a lot to think about as Christians.  So many are satisfied to have just a little taste of Christianity, much like a baby is satisfied with a taste of milk.  But as we grow and find that we actually prefer some meat instead of milk, so must our spiritual lives grow.  As we grow we must change our priorities, spend more time with the Bible as the word and teachings of Jesus Christ, pray with intense earnesty and then share our faith with others.

John 13:17: “If ye know these things, happy are ye if ye do them.”

Jackson Chapel

Bro. Dewayne Castleberry taught a good Sunday School lesson entitled “The Holy Spirit and Jesus.”  Bro. Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “When I See The Blood” and “O I Want To See Him” and, following the good congregational singing, Bro. Horace Wyatt sang a beautiful song, “All Because of God’s Amazing Grace.”  Several stood and testified of the good things that God had done for them, and Bro. Dennis’ text came from John 6:59-61 and 66-69 with a message entitled, “It’s a Hard Saying.” We as Christians are going to face hardships in our Christian lives, but if we endure those hardships God will see us through each trial that we face.  We have choices in this life whether we’re going to go down the road with Jesus Christ or if we’re going to take the road that leads to an everlasting hell.  There are also habits that we have in this life that will cause us to have to make a choice, whether we want to quit our habits that we have or decide that it’s too hard to live this Christian life and head down the road that leads to destruction.

The service ended with people coming to pray, and the Holy Spirit was truly present.

The evening service was a youth service, and all our youth were in charge of the entire service.  Hannah Burnett and Josh Burnett got the service started off with “Where the Milk and Honey Flows” and “I’ll Fly Away.” The children blessed us on the handbells with “Do Lord” and “Jesus Loves Me,” and the children also did a great job with the two puppet skits they performed.  Cole Riley brought the message, and it was taken from Luke 18:9-14 with a message entitled “The Mask That I Wear.”  We as Christians at some point in our lives wear masks because we want to hide things that we do.  We are afraid of failure and we worry about what others think.  We seem to want to hide ourselves because we might be ashamed of our faults.  We need to understand that we can’t hide from God, and we need to be careful about judging others.  We need to humble ourselves before God and make sure we don’t exalt ourselves.

Please remember these as you pray this week: the John Smitherman family, Glenn Smith, Janie Smitherman, the Irvin family, Wendall Smitherman, James and Marie Johnson, Verdie Glenn, our service men and women, and our lost loved ones.

Mt. Springs

What a beautiful day the Lord gave us this Sunday.  Our morning service opened with congregational singing led by Bro. Kenneth followed by our morning devotion taken from Proverbs 16:7-8 given by Brother Roger Cleckler.

We had many prayer requests for sickness, lost friends and family, surgery, upcoming doctor visits, our church, homebound members, upcoming business conference, upcoming Christmas programs, and don’t forget to uplift each other in prayer.  We also had several praise reports of improved health and having had work available this past week when work has been scarce for many of our members.

Sunday school attendance this week was 74 and we didn’t have any birthdays (at least no one admitted to having one) or anniversaries.

Our special music during the worship hour was “For the Life of Me”, sung by Sheri Moates.  It was good to have Brother Don and Sister Florence back from their vacation. Brother Don brought the message from Luke 19:41-44.  God is seeking to give blessings. His blessings are rejected by the “lost” and by the Christian when we do not surrender to His will for our lives.  When you reject God’s blessings, there are consequences.  Some of the consequences of rejecting God mentioned by Brother Don were leading a barren and empty life, unhappiness, cannot find peace and filled with unrest, suffering, and we will have no rewards waiting upon our arrival to heaven. God “wills” to bless us but we have to “will” to receive the blessing.  You can’t give something to someone who won’t take it, and you can’t take it if your heart isn’t right with God. There are better things ahead in Heaven but we don’t have to wait, we can receive a little bit of it here.  If we do God’s will, He will bless us.

Sunday afternoon our youth choir went to the nursing home and sung for the residents there.  We always love to visit the nursing home residents and minister to them.  On the way back to the church, they made a quick stop by the hospital to visit Christine Moates, as she is there recovering from a broken hip.

Sunday evening was our last Sunday in the month singing night.  We had a good turnout (including the Holy Spirit) and enjoyed many heartfelt songs given by our members.  We are surely blessed with musical talent here at Mt. Springs. Come join us, we always sing on the last Sunday night of the month.  We’d love to have you anytime.  Sunday School begins at 9:45 a.m., preaching at 11 a.m., Sunday evening service at 5:30 p.m., and Wednesday service at 7 p.m.

Mt. Pisgah

The congregation of Mt. Pisgah honored Brother Glenn and Teresa for Pastor Appreciation Month.

It has been a busy week at Mt. Pisgah. The Fall Festival was held last Wednesday. The children as well as the adults had a wonderful time. There were games, a costume contest, chili cook off, cornbread contest, and cakewalk.  Congratulations to Nikki Duren for winning the chili cook off.  Our outreach ministries are still in progress as we continue to collect book bags and Bibles for the homeless. Many homeless carry their belongings in a plastic bag, the drive will give them the opportunity to have all their possessions in one place and to read or hear God’s word. We are still collecting food for our food bank to serve a Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner to those in need. We are also in the process with our shoebox ministry.  Are you dreading cooking a desert for Thanksgiving or Christmas?  If so, you can order a cake from any of the ladies at Mt. Pisgah.

On Nov. 13, 2010, we will be having a benefit singing for Anna Wilson.  The following groups will perform: The Fishers of Men, Jerry Russell, Gary McKee and Anna Wilson.

If you would like to know more about these events or to order a cake, call Teresa Walker at 334-349-5725.

Floyd Baptist Church

What a glorious morning to be in the house of the Lord! Bro. Mike brought a message from Luke 18:1-8 on “The Power of Persistent Prayer.” Too many times Christians give up when praying for something because they don’t get their answer in their time. We pray for a day or two then say, “I guess God isn’t going to answer because He hasn’t yet.” My brother-in-law, Dennis Smith the pastor of Jackson’s Chapel, sings a song about help won’t help tomorrow if we give up today. Beloved, stand fast in your prayers, God hears, God listens, but most importantly, God answers! Commit to spending time in prayer with God every day, lift up our nation, our leaders, the lost, our families, our churches, our brothers and sisters in Christ, lift them up expecting God to answer because He tells us that He will answer. Glory, if we pray and believe like we should, I can’t wait to see what God does in Chilton County over the next weeks, months and years until the return of Jesus Christ!

Sunday night Bro. Mike brought us a message on “Help for Sifted Saints” from Luke 22:31-34. We all face a determined foe, Satan, who will not give up attacking us and he is good at what he does. The greater news is we have a diligent friend in Jesus, who is our ally and who will never leave us nor let us down. Never give up the fight, never get to the place in life where you think you have got it made and are strong enough to stand on your own, because when you do you are in danger of falling into Satan’s snares when you leave God out and try to stand on your own. God forgives us when we fail, if we repent of our sins, confess them and ask Him to forgive us, but we should strive daily to live close to God and become more like Jesus Christ, and not give in to Satan’s temptations!

Bro. Mike and his family would like to thank everyone for their prayers, visits, phone calls and words of encouragement and condolences during the illness and death of his mother, Janice Jones. She was a godly woman who gave up a lot in this world to raise her sons and instill in them a love for God. She loved her family, was an inspiration to all who knew her and will be greatly missed. But the wonderful reality is we may be separated for a time now, but when we are reunited in heaven, we will have eternity to spend together!

If you would like to learn more about our Angel Food ministry and how you can save on your grocery bill, call us at 205-294-1577 for more information.

If you are looking for a God-loving, Bible-believing, Bible-teaching church where you will be loved, join us for Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., Discipleship Training at 5 p.m., worship at 11 a.m. and 6 p.m., and Wednesday night Bible study and prayer at 7 p.m.