Bentley wins state, Chilton County

Published 12:05 am Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Chilton County supported the state’s decision by voting 9,524 for Robert Bentley, who took 69.84 percent of the votes, and 4,030 for Ron Sparks, who took 29.55 percent.

In other categories, here is how Chilton County voted:

For Lieutenant Governor

Jim Folsom Jr. (DEM) – 5,510

Kay Ivey (REP) – 8,0001

For United States Senator

William G. Barnes (DEM) – 2,734

Richard C. Shelby (REP) – 10,792

For Attorney General

James H. Anderson (DEM) – 3,716

Luther Strange (REP) – 9,738

For State Senator, District No. 14

Cam Ward (REP) – 10,809

Write-In – 100

For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court, Place No. 1

Rhonda Chamber (DEM) – 3,076

Kelli Wise (REP) – 10,112

For Associate Justice of the Supreme Court. Place 2

Tom Edwards (DEM) – 2,949

Michael F. “Mike” Bolin (REP) – 10,155

For Associate Justice of The Supreme Court, Place 3

Mac Parsons (DEM) – 3,530

Tom Parker (REP) – 9,541

For Court of Civil Appeals Judge

Deborah Bell Paseur (DEM) – 3,387

Tommy Bryan (REP) – 9,583

For Secretary of State

Scott Gilliland (DEM) – 3,229

Beth Chapman (REP) – 9,921

For State Treasure

Charley Grimsley (DEM) – 3,697

Young Boozer (REP) – 9,562

For State Auditor

Miranda Karrine Joseph (DEM) – 2,892

Samantha “Sam” Shaw (REP) – 10,005

For Commissioner of Agriculture and Industries

Glen Zorn (DEM) – 3,351

John McMillan (REP) – 9,852

For Public Service Commission, Place No. 1

Jan Cook (DEM) – 4,035

Twinkle Andress Cavanaugh (REP) – 9,142

For Public Service Commission, Place No. 2

Susan Parker (DEM) – 4,192

Terry Dunn (REP) – 8,850

For District Court Judge, Chilton County

Rhonda Jones Hardesty (REP) – 10,906

Write-In – 170

For Chilton County Coroner

Randy Yeargan (REP) – 11,047

Write-In – 89

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number One (1)

Statewide Amendment No. 1 Yes – 3,438

Statewide Amendment No. 2 No – 6,908

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number Two (2)

Statewide Amendment No. 2 Yes – 3,841

Statewide Amendment No. 2 No – 6,820

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number (3)

Statewide Amendment No. 3 Yes – 4,662

Statewide Amendment No. 3 No – 7,008

Proposed Statewide Amendment Number Four (4)

Statewide Amendment No. 4 Yes – 3,525

Statewide Amendment No.4 No – 5,245