Church news for Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010
Published 9:55 pm Thursday, October 28, 2010
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson focused on Revelation 13. We discussed in great detail the antichrist and the false prophet.
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from Exodus 20:17 on the one sin that nobody wants to claim — covetousness. To covet means to “greatly desire” and is discussed as the 10th Commandment. The problem with “greatly desiring” something in this world is that it can make us greedy. God warns us to be careful of greed, as it may cross over many boundaries to include property, people and possessions. This problem can be seen in many biblical stories. Eve coveted the forbidden fruit, and original sin was the result. Achen coveted Naboth’s vineyard and committed murder. David coveted Bathsheba, and the result brought the sword of God into his household for generations to come. These examples prove the devastating effects covetousness can have on a person. The problem with covetousness is threefold. First, it disregards God’s law. Second, it denies the Lord. Finally, it shows a lack of faithfulness. What we must do is replace our attitude of great desire for things of this world with an attitude of great desire for God. Indeed, God covets our love for him, and we ought to return the favor.
Our Sunday evening Bible study continued on the book of James.
Happy birthday to Danny Tignor.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5:30; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 646-2399 or 755-4950.
Friendship Baptist Church
The choir special was “An Unclouded Day.”
Bro. Gene’s message was from Ephesians 3:1-13 and titled, “Pass the Word.” Paul had a special mission of preaching Christ to the Gentiles.
During the evening service, Bro. Gene’s message was from Ephesians 3:14-21. The title was, “Knowing God’s Blessings.” Paul prayed that the love of God would be appreciated.
Our children and youth have been hard at work on our Christmas play, which will be on Dec. 19. It is “The Christmas Invitation” by Andrew Liles.
Thanks to all who supported our fish fry. We certainly had a great turnout.
The annual trip to Christmas Village will be Nov. 4. See Regeana Funderburk for tickets. The van will leave the church at 7:45 a.m.
Happy birthday this week to Alex Wyatt, Braxton Mims and Andrew Wakefield.
Prayer requests: Sandra White, unspoken requests, Juanita Staggs, Mary Lou Vanderslice, Keith Funderburk, William Hilyer, Boykin family and Faye Powell.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
Sunday’s service began with the congregation singing Martin Luther’s grand old hymn, “A Mighty Fortress is our God.”
At that point, our pastor, Dr. Mac Stinson, and wife, Glenda, were asked to come up front and receive a gift from the church in recognition of pastor appreciation day. We are ever mindful and thankful of their service and dedication to our church as they travel a more than normal distance to serve our church.
Dr. Stinson continued our morning worship service by reading from 2 Timothy. His sermon topic was “Our Gift from God.”
Paul was a mentor to Timothy. At the point of this week’s lesson, Paul is approaching death. Would that we could all approach this point in life with Paul’s stoic acceptance. Thus Paul writes this often-quoted verse from 2 Timothy 4:6, “I have fought a good fight, I have finished my course, I have kept the faith.” Would that we might all reach that point in our own lives with the same calm assurance.
God has given each of us the gift of life. Our success is measured differently by man and by God. Man’s yardstick includes big houses, fast cars, prestigious jobs, important connections and etc. But God’s yardstick measures us by how we follow the book God has given to us. He measures our success by how we follow the plan he gave us.
Aging is the hardest fact of life to accept, and that process begins the moment we are born and progresses until death overtakes us. Paul handled aging well. He states at one point that he learned to be happy and accept whatever circumstances he found himself in. Paul always kept his eye on the future and didn’t look back. He knew that God forgives and moved forward from an anti-Christian zealot who assisted in stoning Stephen to a full-fledged zealot for Christ with no regrets as his life neared its end.
Special prayer is requested for Dr. Mac and Glenda Stinson, Adell Edmondson, Wilma Ellison, Opal Miller, Horace and Mary Ann Carden, Cindy McCavitt, Jean Gilmore, Kelly Parker, our military, their families and Jeanette Frost.
Our one-dish dinner was a huge success, and our young people enjoyed a lock-in Friday night at our church. First they went to Jemison ballpark and handed out goody bags with CIMC information. We appreciate their evangelism efforts.
It was good to have Dr. Phil and June Simms back with us after they attended a church band meeting in Indiana. They brought home a just-released DVD by the Gaither Family Singers, “Count Your Blessings.” It made great viewing in lieu of a sermon.
Have a blessed week.
The Church of God’s Word
Bro. Ray Edwards opened with prayer this Sunday.
This week’s lesson came from Galatians 2.
Remember our street ministry, Bro. and Sis. Doug and Shirley Langston, and Reuben Edwards and family.
The book says it is better to have never known God than to have known him and walked away. Are you trying to glorify Christ Jesus or yourself in all things? If it is Christ Jesus, then you are on the right track. The wisdom of this world is foolishness in God’s eyes (John 15:1-13, Hebrews 12:5-10, 1 John 1).
There is a right way and a wrong way, good and evil. Repent and turn away from evil.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Sunday was another wonderful day to be in the Lord’s house at Mt. Carmel. We had a good number in attendance for Sunday School and a very good number for the morning worship service. Our choir was filled as we sang praises to our Lord. We had so many blessings to sing about and give God praise.
The service was continued with beautiful music. Charity Lockhart sang “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and Lanelle Jones sang “Who am I.”
Our morning message was taken from Psalm 18:1-3, “He is Mine.” David wrote this psalm because he had been delivered from the hands on his enemies and from Saul. David said, “Lord, I love thee, you are my rock, my strength and my deliverer.” Lord, you are worthy of my praise. Our Lord loves for us to praise him today.
Sunday evening’s message was “God’s last name doesn’t start with D” (Exodus 20:7). Control your speech. “Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain.” Bro. Derrell sang “Somebody’s Praying for Me.”
You are invited to come out for a fun evening of Trunk-or-Treat with the children on Friday, Oct. 29.
This Sunday will be the final collection for emergency assistance. If you have not brought your items for the box, please do so this Sunday.
Bring a song and come sing with us on Sunday, Oct. 31 for our Fifth Sunday Night Singing. Finger foods and refreshments will be served following the singing.
Our Sunday morning service was closed with the altar filled.
A special prayer is requested for Willie Nell Mull as she has surgery this week.
God is so good and has answered prayers this past week for George Campbell and Kevin Davenport, and we give praise to the Lord.
God bless you this week, and we always offer a special invitation to you and your family to come worship with us.
Mount Bethel Baptist Church
Our services this week started with a song of praise followed by prayer. After our Sunday School director spoke, we went into our classes for Bible study.
The choir opened the morning worship hour with “I Believe in a Hill Called Mount Calvary,” and the choir special was “He Is Mine.”
The Rev. Oneil Cleckler’s morning sermon was “God’s Stability and Assurance” (2 Timothy 2:8-10, Acts 18:9-11, Romans 10:14 and Matthew 10:32-33).
Paul was in prison. Timothy felt like he couldn’t carry on the ministry. Paul told him to keep his focus on Jesus Christ. He knew Jesus had suffered in his ministry on earth. Paul told Timothy that God would always be with him wherever he went. He told him that God’s word was alive and active. We always have stability and assurance as long as we keep him in our lives.
Bro. Cleckler’s evening sermon was from Revelation 10:5-11, Jeremiah 15:16 and Ezekiel 2:9. When John heard the seven thunders and was beginning to write it down, he heard a voice from heaven say, “Write it not.” The angel he saw with one foot on the sea and the other on land lifted up his hands to take an oath. By all things he swore on there was no time left. Time was up. When the seventh angel begins to sound, the mysteries of God should be finished as he had told his servants and prophets. The voice told John to go and take the book from the angel’s hand. John went to the angel and said, “Give me the book.” The angel said, “Take it.”
God offers his salvation for free. The catch is, we ourselves must take it.
We want to wish a happy birthday to Don Miller, Sherry Easterling, Brenda Hucks and Anthony Marcus.
Visitors are invited to join us for worship and fellowship. Sunday School is at 10 a.m.; morning worship at 11; Discipleship Training at 5 p.m. and evening worship at 6.
Bethany Baptist Church
Memory Verse: “Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen” (Hebrews 11:1).
Sunday morning Jean Gray and Elaine Staton sang “He Looked Beyond My Fault.” Bro. Aubry’s sermon was taken from I Corinthians 1:17-2:5 “Faith in the Power of God.” We hear many sermons preached, but they are not always the truth of the word. Regardless of the attacks on the power of the crucified Savior, it is still the truth! The Apostle Paul said, (1:18) “For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God.” Paul professed that he was determined not to preach anything but Jesus Christ, and the He was crucified (2:2).
Happy birthday this month to: Jean DeLoach (10th); Shirley Wallace (16th) and Barbara Miller (22nd). Happy anniversary to James and Jean Gray (23rd).
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Sherry Cooper, Ashley Friday, Jack Friday, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, our military, Nell Mims, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Peppers, Aubry Wallace and Shirley Wallace; rain, revival in America. Please pray for the family of Mildred DeLoach and Lela Mae Courtney.
See you Sunday!
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Our call to worship Sunday was “This is the Day.”
Flowers were placed by Debbie Popwell for her new grandson; Tim and Debbie were beaming this Sunday.
We have good news about Taylor Hughes. He played well and his team won. The bad news is he had a knee bagged up.
Remember in prayer the Bradberry family, Kayla, Marilyn Popwell, Gip Minor, Buddy Baker, Myrtice Enfinger and Lavada Attaway.
Following the invocation and lighting of the Christ Candle, Bro. Jim Popwell reminded us that Christ is the light of the world. He called us to be a light and walk in the light and not in darkness. There were lots of places we could have been Sunday morning, but we chose to worship in God’s house.
Our celebration hymn was “Victory in Jesus,” followed by special music, “Because He Lives.”
Our scripture text was Mark 4:35. The message was brought to us by our good friend Bro. Jim Popwell, and what a good job he did. His sermon title was “When the Storms Come.”
We were reminded of all the recent and deadly storms that we have endured on the Gulf Coast and how records show that many times, after being warned, there were those who mocked the rescuers as they tried to get the ones in harm’s way to seek safety. Many lost their lives like this. Storms come; they don’t always come in forms of hurricanes but more like a phone call in the middle of the night bringing bad news. Sometimes when we have these storms come into our lives, we may even think that God is asleep or, like the disciples asked, “Teacher don’t you care if we drown?” What would you have felt as the water began to fill the boat? We know the story as Jesus showed the storms who controlled the seas, but we know it was a test of faith and Jesus knew that they were growing in faith. We must continue to grow in faith, because the storms will come! What can we do? Number one, we should prepare; build your house according to the code — not the code of the world. Have strong relations with family and friends; if you don’t have family then find them in church! You can prepare yourself physically and spiritually, make yourself fit! We can build our house on the rocks. Bro Jim called our attention to Luke 6:46 that speaks of building our spiritual house on the rocks. How are you building your spiritual house? Are you building to God’s code or the world’s? Lots of us have been through tragedies in our lives, and if we look back, we can see who brought us though them.
Welcome to Walnut Creek.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with fellowship and congregational singing. Special music was presented by the Celebration Choir, “Walking with Jesus.”
Our morning message came from 2 Timothy 2:14-19, “The Call to Stand: Be Diligent.”
During the evening service we focused on confessing our sins and being thankful. We prayed in groups, and it was a very spiritual service. Bro. Brad read scripture from Psalms and Philippians.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:45, followed by prayer meeting, The Outlet for students and children’s choir practice at 7:30.
Pray this week for Hershell Blalock, the Bradberry family, Katelyn Lovett, Amanda Arnold, Katrina Thrasher, Caleb Mims, Terry Johnson, James Moore, Jacob Wright, Hunter Moore, Charles and Gladys Bryant, Kacy Barrett, Brett Jackson, William Jacks, Glenda Mims, Pettus Smith, Cathy Patton, Anna Clemmons, Barber Caruthers, James Smith, Dennis Vasser, Doris Robinson and the Diana Walsh family.
Pray for all families who lost loved ones, families affected by cancer, our shut -ins, and the people who are in nursing homes and assisted living facilities.
Happy birthday this week to Teresa Pack, Jeff Thrasher, Lera Price, Lula Spigner, Katrina Thrasher, Hailey Wingard, James Headley, Anthony Courtney, Joy Hollon, Kaitlin and Kayle Schrader and Dylan Moseley.
Trunk-or-Treat is Oct. 31 from 5:30-6:30 p.m. There will also be a judgment house for students Oct. 28. See Bro. Cleve for more information.
Nov. 7 is our 48-hour revival with Jerry Pipes and John Yates. Bring your Friendship Connection people. Remember to pray this week.
Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus.
Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry got the Sunday school hour started off with a good lesson entitled “The Spirit in the Old Testament”. Bro Gary Fant got the morning worship service started off with “The Glory Land Way” and “The Eastern Gate”. Bro Dennis blessed us with “Help Is On The Way” and his text came from Deuteronomy 1:28-38 – We’ve got to keep out faith in Jesus Christ and to be encouraged that he will bring us through whatever situations that we face. It is easy in this life to get discouraged when everything around us that we hear is bad but we need to be encouraged that Jesus Christ can turn everything that is bad into good. There are things that God allows us to go through so he can strengthen us in our faith and sometimes he will allow us to go through things just to see how we will handle them. The service ended with several coming to pray.
Bro Gary Fant got our fourth Sunday night singing off with “Canaan Land Is Just In Sight”, “Heaven’s Jubilee” and “When I Wake Up To Sleep No More”. Bro Horace Wyatt sang “When Jesus Passed By”, “Bro Gary Fant “The Cross Is My Family Tree”, Daniel Moore did the recitation of John 3:16, Olivia Hughes sang “Did I Mention”, Bro Dennis sang “Thank Him for the Miracle”, Bro Dennis & Glenn Riley sang “God Has Been So Good To Me”, Bro Dennis, Angel Bavar and Wanda Chadwick sang “What A Lovely Name”, “House Of Gold”, “I’ve Got Something to Praise God For”, “I Believe He’s Coming Back”, “I Am Redeemed” and Goodbye World Goodbye”.
Happy anniversary this week to Billy and Shirley Burnett and Gary and Gail Fant.
Please remember these as you pray this week: James and Marie Johnson, Hershell and Marie Rhodes, Janie Smitherman, Margie Waites, Glenn Smith, Jean Mayfield, Glenn Riley, Pete and Myra Burnett, our upcoming elections, Daniel Cleckler, Jerry Castleberry, our lost loved ones and our service men and women.
Mars Hill Baptist Church
Last week we talked about eternity and the two destinations. Have you decided where you will spend eternity? Will it be with Satan in hell or with Jesus in heaven? We all must make this decision, don’t put it off. So many people ask how can a loving God can send us to hell. The truth of the matter is, God does not send us, we send ourselves.
Opportunities for service at Mars Hill: The first Wednesday of each month at 7 p.m. we have Bible study, WMU, Brotherhood, RA’s and GA’s. Our Sunday services start at 10 a.m. for Sunday School and 11 a.m. for regular worship service. Children’s Church meets during the regular Sunday service. Sunday night at 5 is Discipleship Training and at 6 is the evening service. Choir practice is after the Sunday night service. Our Fall Festival will be Oct. 31 from 5-7 p.m. Bring your children.
The book of James speaks of worldliness and the three enemies that we face — the flesh, the world and Satan. We don’t have to fear these if we have Jesus Christ living in us. Do you sometimes feel that God no longer hears you; that He doesn’t care? Take heart, He will never leave you nor forsake you. Genesis 8:1 tell us “God remembered Noah.” If God remembered Noah, He will also remember you.
Please go to the church of your choice, and if you are looking for a church home we welcome you to visit us at Mars Hill. The word of God is preached and taught. We do not have a “watered down” ministry.
Mt. Springs
Service began with “Have a Little Talk With Jesus,” “Lift Me Up Above the Shadows,” “Just a Little While To Stay Here” and “I’m in a New World Since the Lord Saved Me.” Brother Roger Cleckler gave a heart-lifting devotion from Isaiah 64:4 and 1 Corinthians 2:9 and blessed us in song with “It’s a Far Better Place.” We had 74 in attendance.
We have a couple of upcoming events we invite you to attend. Saturday, Oct. 30 at 3 p.m. in the church fellowship hall, we will be having our Harvest Festival. Church ladies are asked to bring cakes for the cakewalk and on Saturday, Nov. 5 at 7 p.m., we will have a singing with guest singers The Perrys and CanaanLand.
Happy birthday this week to Lamar Powell and Cynthia Vines.
Special music during the worship hour was “Did I Mention That I Love Him?” sung by Geneva Johnson, Ricky Cleckler and Roger Cleckler. Brother Don and Sister Florence are on vacation.
Our message was delivered by Brother Tim Henry entitled “Why I Enjoy Going To Church” with his text taken from Psalms 84:10. He gave these reasons: 1) I can hear the Word of God; 2) I can praise God in song; 3) I can fellowship and pray with God’s people; 4) I can show the world who’s side I’m on; 5) I can be filled with the Holy Ghost and develop boldness to share Him with others; 6) I can worship God in Spirit and Truth; 7) I can draw nearer to God and He will draw nearer to me; 8) I can hear testimonies of God’s grace to others; 9) I can see what God is doing, and I can always find an altar and meet with Jesus there.
Bro. Tim said, “If you don’t enjoy church like you used to, it’s you. God hasn’t changed.” Mt. Springs invites you to attend Sunday School at 9:45 a.m., worship hour at 11 a.m., evening worship at 5:30 and Wednesday evening service at 7.
Samaria Baptist Church
Another beautiful fall day to worship our Lord. Brother Charles’ message came from Romans 7:14-25 and Romans 8:1-4. His message was entitled, “The bondage of sin.”
Sin in church makes us desire a worldly gospel. People have turned ears away and listen instead to fables. Some follow after ear ticklers, folks who just tell them what they desire to hear. The devil attempts to talk to us and lead us away from God. Choose friends carefully. Sin is very deceiving and destructive. Those who follow after worldly teaching and speak evil of church leaders can do so much harm.
Living faith in a living God is a constant daily effort. With faith in Christ through His grace, it can be done more easily. Christ loves us enough to die, and we should give Him our all. Many think being a church member is all we need. We must be born again, and we must repent and acknowledge our sins, asking Christ to forgive us and come and live in our hearts.
Christians should have no part in watching immoral movies and programs. Sin produces no good thing, and can do so much harm if we allow it to come into daily life.
A grouchy Christian is an example of a backslidden Christian. It brings us under the bondage of the devil himself. Children learn right and wrong from Christian parents. As teenagers grow, they hear unchristian things, and they know what is right and what comes over as wrong for them. They remember what they were taught at an early age.
Our father God can break the bondage of alcohol, smoking and drug abuse. Damaging our bodies is a progressive march to destruction. The harm to a person is encouraged by the devil’s vices and weapons. Sin can be overcome. Jesus can and will deliver us from sin and make us free from sin and death.
Our special music was Diane Fisher singing “Still Blessed.” Our special music Sunday evening was Bro. Charles and Bro. Floyd Collins singing “How Long Has It Been?”
Our prayer warriors are enlisted again this week for the needs of our church family, and of course those who have lost loved ones.
Our deep appreciation again for Carolyn Maddox for her beautiful piano playing.
Remember, if we expect to win as a family of God, we must stick together as teammates in this battle against Satan. We can be the winning team, but only if God is our leader and we follow him, loving each other all the way. God bless you, and may this week be the time that your prayers are answered.