Church news for Thursday, July 8, 2010
Published 7:21 pm Wednesday, July 7, 2010
Friendship Baptist Church
We began our service with a salute to America. We also had the procession of the flags and sang “The Star Spangled Banner,” and recited the Pledge of Allegiance to the American and Christian flags. Next, we saluted veterans and their families. We closed this portion of our service with a prayer for America.
Our choir special was “Battle Cry Medley.”
Bro. Gene’s message was from John 8:36 and entitled, “Freedom: How Precious and Sweet It Is.”
If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed. We must realize how great it was for Jesus to die on the cross for us. We need to forgive, put it behind us and remember no more. We are to give our troubles and worries to the Lord. The Son has set us free!
We had a wonderful Vacation Bible School last week. Our final enrollment was 61 with an average attendance of 65. Praise the Lord there were four professions of faith. Janice Wyatt served as our VBS director and did an awesome job along with our youth and other workers.
Attention men and boys: There will be a meeting for all men and boys in our association at Clanton First Baptist on Aug. 14 at 6 p.m. Dr. Bobby Welch, who served as president of the Southern Baptist Convention and was pastor of the same church for 32 years, will speak. He is a Vietnam veteran who earned the Bronze Star with Combat V.
Happy birthday to Jacob Davis, Jennifer Griffin and Barbara Miller.
Prayer requests: Joe Edwards, the McCall family, Odell Easterling, unspoken requests, those traveling, our sick and shut-ins, Edith Williams, Kay Fanning, Irby Fanning, Betty Mims and Lucille Price.
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson began a series on Revelation.
We began our Fourth of July morning service by singing “America the Beautiful” and repeating the Pledge of Allegiance.
Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from Galatians 5:1 and spoke about the liberties we enjoy as Americans, such as freedom of speech, to assemble, to worship and to bear arms. These liberties were composed by our founding fathers and are guaranteed to us by the Constitution. However, many Americans do not enjoy the fullness of these freedoms because they do not exercise them to their fullest potential. This is why Independence Day is important for all Americans: It is a time set aside to remember the freedoms we enjoy. Bro. Shannon reminded us that as Christians, we also enjoy certain liberties. These are freedom from sin (John 1:7), failure (Philippians 4:13), fear (2 Timothy 1:7), want (Philippians 4:19) and condemnation (Romans 8:1). These freedoms were composed by God and guaranteed to us by the blood of Jesus Christ. The problem is the same we face as Americans; a lack of exercising our liberties. Failure to do so will dilute the power they possess and may cause us to lose them. It is for this reason we should celebrate our Christian “independence day.” This day begins when we accept Jesus as our Lord and continues every day that follows.
Bro. Shannon concluded the message by reminding us that remembering our Christian independence day guarantees us of one more freedom, mentioned in Ephesians 1:3: freedom from a shortage of blessings.
Our Sunday evening Bible study was cancelled due to the Fourth of July weekend.
Happy birthday to Mary Catherine Tollett, Bill House and Betty Frost.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5:30; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 646-2399 or 755-4950.
Mt. Springs Church
What a beautiful day for the Lord to come again. On this Fourth of July, we as a nation have a lot to praise God for. To live in a nation where we are free and can worship God. Bro. Roger Cleckler’s devotion was taken from Psalm 124:1. If God is for us, we are on the winning side.
Bro. Kenneth Moates’ Sunday School lesson was in 1 Corinthians 12:21-28. Each member is important in the family of God.
God blesses each one with the gift he wants them to have. As a member of the church, we are all needed to fulfill his purpose.
Our small children wanted the congregation to say the Pledge of Allegiance with them; what a blessing this was. Sam Ross and Debbie Barnett sang our special, “When I Knelt at an Old Fashioned Altar.”
Bro. Don preached from Judges 2:1-23. After Joshua died, Israel left God and started serving other gods. The Lord took his protecting hand away and let the other lands oppress them.
America started out as a Christian nation and God blessed our nation. But God has been taken out of our homes, schools and court systems. The ACLU has taken the Ten Commandments out of our court system, and when we say we don’t need God’s commandments we are saying we don’t need God. How did we get in this shape? The same way Israel did. There came a generation that did not know what God had done for them. The last verse in Judges is a sad verse: “Every man did that which was right in his own eyes.” We have compromises so much with what is wrong that it has ruined our nation. We have a generation that doesn’t love God, doesn’t love his law and doesn’t love our nation. We have a nation that depends on the government and not God. God has paid a great price for us with Christ’s precious blood, but it is our choice to serve him. What will you decide?
Sunday night’s service was opened with a good song service. Bro. Ashley Bice gave a wonderful devotion from Romans 7:8 and Philippians 2:12-13 on becoming holy. With holiness, all parts work together for one purpose. We need to be the whole Christian he wants us to be.
Kelly Bice sang “The Other Side of Grace.”
Bro. Don is doing a series of sermons on the 23rd Psalm. Sunday night was verse two. This verse gives us a picture of contentment, a child of God that has found peace. Do you have peace? We get discontented with God and try to handle our lives instead of letting God have control. He cares for us, and it is our responsibility to follow the Shepherd.
Don’t forget the Marion Easterling Memorial Singing on Friday night at Mt. Pisgah at 6:30, and Saturday night a singing at Mt. Springs Church with Canaanland and Canaan’s Crossing at 7. This weekend is going to be filled with blessings galore.
Sunday morning service begins at 9:45, followed by worship at 11 a.m., evening service at 5:30 and Wednesday night at 7.
Mt. Carmel No. 1 Baptist Church
God is so good and blesses us so much each day. Sunday was a special day as we worshiped and celebrated Independence Day in honor and memory of all our veterans. The congregation joined in singing some beautiful old patriotic songs. Our special music was brought to us by Lilly Jones as she sang “When He Was On the Cross.” This is a song with a great message if you would just listen to the words. A very good job of singing by Lilly.
Prior to our message for this Sunday morning, we had an introduction of our newest and youngest member, the little baby girl of Brittney and Michael Rogers. Her name is Brylee Erin Rogers. May God bless this young family.
“The Ultimate Independence” was the title of Bro. Derrell’s message for the Fourth of July, based on John 3:16-17. Verse 16 is a familiar verse, explaining that God gave his Son for all who believe on him. What a gift. Freedom does not come without a price. The ultimate independence is giving your heart to Jesus Christ. God bless America. Don’t worry about tomorrow because we know who holds tomorrow.
Sunday night’s message was “Standing on Your Promises” from Joshua 22:1-9. When you say you are going to do something, be as good as your word and you will be blessed. The ice cream social after church was enjoyed by a large group that truly enjoyed the ice cream and all the goodies.
You are invited to the wedding anniversary of James and Mary Dean Higgins and John and Ruthie Jean Giles on Sunday, July 11 at 2 p.m. in the fellowship hall of Mt. Carmel No. 1.
Mark your calendars for Mt. Carmel’s homecoming July 25. Our guest singers will be the Four Given Voice quartet. We invite you to come be with us. Lunch will be served following the morning service.
It was good to see some of our people that have been absent from church due to sickness. God has answered our prayers. Remember to pray for the sick, shut-ins, lost ones, military persons and our preachers and leaders.
Bethany Baptist Church
Our memory verse for this week is Romans 3:23: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.”
Bro. Aubry’s challenging message Sunday, July 4, was taken from Isaiah 1:1-4. We are thankful that we still have the freedom to get together with our family and friends and celebrate Independence Day; most of all, we are thankful that we can get together as fellow believers in the house of God and worship Him and study God’s word without fear.
Israel was in a time of great prosperity, but they were morally bankrupt. God chastened them for their sins in an effort to bring them back to Him. It reminds us of America today. As Bro. Aubry says, “It is with pride that I can call myself an American. I rejoice that I am a child of God, and also that I live in these United States, but it pains me to see that all is not well with America. The Christians in this country need to turn back to God.” He called on all of us to pray every day for revival in America. He says he believes it is not too late to turn American around. Will you join us in prayer?
Birthdays and anniversaries: July 2, Shirley and Aubry Wallace anniversary; July 4, Helen Mims; July 4, Wanda Wilson; July 20, Trey McCullar; and July 24, Jean and Junior DeLoach anniversary.
Upcoming events: Weekly — Sundays at 6 a.m., WKLF, Bethany broadcast.
Prayer list: Sherry Stroud Cooper, Lela Mae Courtney, Mildred Crawford, Ashley Friday, Jack Friday, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley; Mary Knight, our men and women in the military, Doug and Helen Mims, Billie Neeley, Aubry Wallace and Shirley Wallace; revival in America.
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Our call to worship Sunday was “God Bless America.”
On this day that we celebrate freedom in these great United States, in lighting the Christ candle Bro. Tony reminded us that we are also celebrating freedom as Christians and that we are released from sin.
Announcements: The beautiful flowers were placed in honor of Timmy Popwell by Carolyn and Early Popwell.
Like many churches today, a lot of people were absent. We missed you.
A number of people were on our prayer list — Buddy Baker, Janet Winningham, Glenda Gray, Dorothy Rutherford, Carl Parsons, Gail Nettles and Lavada Attaway.
Hymn of Celebration: “Onward Christian Soldiers.” The special music was “Battle Hymn of the Republic,” followed by the offertory by Joan McGriff and Norma Popwell. We also sang “America” and “The Star Spangled Banner.”
Bro. Tony’s Scripture and message was taken from John 8:31-32. To the Jews that believed him, Jesus said, “If you hold to my teaching, you are really my disciples. Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” Freedom has lots of different meanings to us today as it did in the Bible — there is no greater freedom than being released from sin, and accepting the truth that God loves us just as we are. Bro. Tony reminded us that Satan, the great liar, would have us believe that we are not worth anything and we have no value. The greatest number of people who commit suicide do so because they think they are not worth anything! The very center of God’s love is forgiveness. God loves us just as we are! God wants us all to become part of the family of God, but we can only come to him through Jesus Christ.
Paul said, “I am in Christ and he is in me.” Bro Tony said, “When you hear someone saying that they just don’t have enough money to go around, ask them do they have a budget — they don’t! How is your heavenly bank account?
Freedom is when we truly begin to live, budget our time and no longer have to worry. God has plans to bless you!
Our ladies will have an outreach meeting July 6 at 10 a.m. at FLC
Early July birthdays: Cissy Jones (6), Alley Claire Popwell (7), Brandon Vickers (7) and Danny Popwell (7).
A special welcome to Renee’ Dunlow. We hope she will continue to visit.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
The morning service began with the presentation of flags, followed by the congregation singing “God Bless America,” “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and “America the Beautiful.”
The Celebration Choir sang special music, “A Tribute to the Armed Services,” and all veterans stood recognizing the armed service in which they served.
Bro. Brad Eubank preached the message, “He Is My Standard,” from Psalm 33, 14, 24 and 2.
We closed with “Battle Hymn of the Republic.” This was a wonderful service, and we hope everyone had a great Fourth of July. No evening worship was held.
Wednesday nights we observe prayer meeting, RA’s, GA’s and adult choir practice. Activities begin at 6:30 p.m.
Our men’s softball team will play Thursday at 8:30 p.m.
Pray this week for the following on our prayer list: Lera Price, Shannon Corn, Pat Blalock, Scott Harmon, Chris Ousley, Bobby Rhodes, Lee Conway, Sue Thomas, Destiny Griffin, Pettus Smith, Ellie Grace Reese, Glenda Mims, Linda Henley, Hannah Vines, Ray Parrish, Lee Conway, Frank Brown, O.J. McGriff, those who have lost their loved ones, families affected by cancer, shut-ins, residents of nursing homes and assisted living facilities, people who have lost their jobs, those on mission trips and all unspoken requests.
Happy anniversary to Ralph and Marie Smith (52 years), Jay and Theresa Pierce (26 years) and Chris and Sonja Cox (six years). Also, happy birthday to all celebrating birthdays in July.
Have a blessed week and tell someone about Jesus. God is so good.
Cedar Grove Methodist Protestant Church
Although it was a holiday , we still had a good crowd for service Sunday morning.
It has been a beautiful day and we pray that it was a good day for you, too.
Bro. Gary Hubbard taught a wonderful lesson entitled, “Paul’s Gospel— Direct From God.”
The scripture can be found in Galatians 1:6-24. Golden Text: “For thou shalt be his witness unto all men of what thou hast seen and heard” (Acts 22:15).
Happy belated birthday to Sachea Crowe, also happy birthday to Jacob Popwell and our pastor’s mother, Sally Davis. Happy anniversary to Steve and Rita Price.
A wonderful time was had by all the youth at camp; altogether there were 80 that attended this time, including 18 from our church.
We welcome our visitors and hope that you enjoyed your visit and will come again.
After the congregation songs, Bro. Gary Hubbard sung a beautiful song for our morning special.
Bro. Jeff preached a good sermon today entitled “If You Love America.” His main scripture came from Nehemiah 1:1-10, Proverbs 16:18, Psalms 9:17 and Ezekiel 33:1-9. He said there are three things we can all do to help America: 1) If there is sin in your heart, repent; 2) Pray that God will turn the people back to him; and 3) Get busy working for the Lord in your church and community.
We have a wonderful country. Many wish it could be like in days gone by, when you didn’t think about locking the doors at night or when you left home. Also, when there was no profanity on the television. My, how things have changed! But we must have faith that it will get better and, if not, we have a better home above where we will have no more problems.
Please remember to pray for the families that have lost their loved ones, the Henderson family, the Crawford family, the Faulkner family, the Milford family and a dear sweet lady that I knew, Mrs. Lucille Ellison, who is with the Lord now. All these families need our prayers.
Pray for the singing group Mike and Kelly Bowling — they were in an accident in their motor home, and all were injured.
Sam Price sang “I Can Still Go Free” by special request for the invitation song. It was very beautiful.
Proverbs 8:17: “I love all who love me. Those who search for me shall surely find me.”
Morning Star Baptist Church
Pastor Keith L. Moore and Morning Star Baptist Church of Clanton will host the two-day Spiritual Warfare and Prayer Conference II on Friday, July 9 at 6 p.m. and Saturday, July 10 at 10 a.m. at the church.
The featured guest will be Pastor Kenneth Scott, author of “Weapons of Our Warfare.”
The registration fee is $10 for individuals or $100 for church groups.
To RSVP, please call LaGora Lykes at (205) 299-0760.
Morning Star Baptist Church is located on County Road 76 outside Clanton.
Church news items can be e-mailed to, or call our office at 755-5747.