Thorsby resident named C.I.T.Y. Citizen of Year

Published 8:03 pm Tuesday, October 6, 2009


Thorsby resident Penny Broussard has been named C.I.T.Y. Program’s citizen of the year for Chilton County. 
A former Jemison resident, Broussard said she was honored by her selection, “But I believe there are many others out there who deserve the honor.”
Broussard serves as executive director of the Chilton County Chamber of Commerce. She moved to the Jemison area with her parents and family and later worked and lived in the Atlanta area for 11 years. “When my children were born,” she said, “I said it was time to move back home.” 
Curtis Smith, the first citizen of the year for the C.I.T.Y. Program, said Broussard deserved the honor for her work with the program’s board and for her work with many civic organizations throughout Chilton County.
“We plan to honor her at a banquet on October 19 at Alabama Power Company’s auditorium at its office on Highway 31 South in Clanton,” Smith said, adding tickets for the banquet are $10 each and can be purchased from any C.I.T.Y. board member. 
The C.I.T.Y. program, established in 1994 through a legislative act moved through the legislature by then state representative Smith, enables at risk students to continue to attend classes when otherwise could have been expelled. The organization began honoring county residents in 1997 that have supported the program. 
Former Citizens of the Year include Smith, Bill Speaks, RedTurnipseed, Cecil Woodham, Bobby Martin, Rhonda Hardesty, Jimmy Harrison Jr., Richard Moore, Billy Joe Driver, Peggy Marcus and Emma Frank Bowers. Those who have received the honor in the past for the committee that selects the citizen of the year each year.
Broussard has or does serve on the United Way Board of Directors, the C.I.T.Y. Program Board, the PEECH Board, Jefferson State Community College Strategic Planning Committee, Workforce Development Council for Region 4, Existing Business Team with the Birmingham Business Alliance, Chilton County Food Innovation Center Board, Arthritis Walk Committee, Chilton County Schools Counselor Advisory Team, Alabama Cooperative Extension System Advisory Board, Regional Council of Chambers, Chilton County DHR JOBS Task Force and others.

By Mike Kelley

Thorsby resident Penny Broussard has been named C.I.T.Y. Program’s citizen of the year for Chilton County. 

A former Jemison resident, Broussard said she was honored by her selection, “But I believe there are many others out there who deserve the honor.”

Broussard serves as executive director of the Chilton County Chamber of Commerce. She moved to the Jemison area with her parents and family and later worked and lived in the Atlanta area for 11 years. “When my children were born,” she said, “I said it was time to move back home.” 

Curtis Smith, the first citizen of the year for the C.I.T.Y. Program, said Broussard deserved the honor for her work with the program’s board and for her work with many civic organizations throughout Chilton County.

“We plan to honor her at a banquet on October 19 at Alabama Power Company’s auditorium at its office on Highway 31 South in Clanton,” Smith said, adding tickets for the banquet are $10 each and can be purchased from any C.I.T.Y. board member. 

The C.I.T.Y. program, established in 1994 through a legislative act moved through the legislature by then state representative Smith, enables at risk students to continue to attend classes when otherwise could have been expelled. The organization began honoring county residents in 1997 that have supported the program. 

Former Citizens of the Year include Smith, Bill Speaks, RedTurnipseed, Cecil Woodham, Bobby Martin, Rhonda Hardesty, Jimmy Harrison Jr., Richard Moore, Billy Joe Driver, Peggy Marcus and Emma Frank Bowers. Those who have received the honor in the past for the committee that selects the citizen of the year each year.

Broussard has or does serve on the United Way Board of Directors, the C.I.T.Y. Program Board, the PEECH Board, Jefferson State Community College Strategic Planning Committee, Workforce Development Council for Region 4, Existing Business Team with the Birmingham Business Alliance, Chilton County Food Innovation Center Board, Arthritis Walk Committee, Chilton County Schools Counselor Advisory Team, Alabama Cooperative Extension System Advisory Board, Regional Council of Chambers, Chilton County DHR JOBS Task Force and others.