Column: JES lunchroom workers make school more enjoyable

Published 1:27 pm Tuesday, September 8, 2009


Jemison Elementary School has some amazing lunchroom ladies. They have taken on a new healthy food project which will benefit our students. Not only do they cook delicious and tasty breakfasts for our students, but they also cook appetizing lunches.
Preparing wheat rolls, wheat flax muffins, Caesar salads, and watermelon slices has become morning routine for these ladies. Healthy foods have now become staples for our lunchroom meals. With more than 900 mouths to feed, the lunchroom is a busy area but must remain clean for safety and health reasons. Last week, the health department came for a surprise visit, and our lunchroom received a score of 100.
Our lunchroom ladies need to be congratulated for a job well done. These ladies are loving and kind and go out of their way to assist our students and to make their time with us meaningful. At Christmas and at Easter, the Jemison Elementary School lunchroom ladies will decorate the lunchroom. When the students return from Thanksgiving holidays, they enter a magical scene of lights and animated Christmas characters that puts everyone in the Christmas spirit.
The magic returns at Easter with bunny rabbits, egg trees, and other decorations that promote the leap into spring for our students. Our lunchroom ladies used their personal time to paint fruit characters on our lunchroom walls. We cannot thank these ladies enough for all they do at Jemison Elementary School.
Sept. 15 will be our first Open House/PTO night. This is a wonderful time for parents to come to school and see their children’s work and to visit with their child’s teacher.
Teachers look forward to this positive night of interacting with parents. Further, this night allows the PTO to explain some of their current projects and to coordinate with parents who are willing to volunteer their services.
In past years, the Jemison Elementary School PTO has raised thousands of dollars to assist with the purchase of needed items for the education of our students.  The faculty and staff appreciate all that this organization has done for us.
– Louise Pitts is the principal at Jemison Elementary School.
By Louise Pitts | Jemison Elementary School

Jemison Elementary School has some amazing lunchroom ladies. They have taken on a new healthy food project which will benefit our students. Not only do they cook delicious and tasty breakfasts for our students, but they also cook appetizing lunches.
Preparing wheat rolls, wheat flax muffins, Caesar salads, and watermelon slices has become morning routine for these ladies. Healthy foods have now become staples for our lunchroom meals. With more than 900 mouths to feed, the lunchroom is a busy area but must remain clean for safety and health reasons.
Last week, the health department came for a surprise visit, and our lunchroom received a score of 100.
Our lunchroom ladies need to be congratulated for a job well done. These ladies are loving and kind and go out of their way to assist our students and to make their time with us meaningful. At Christmas and at Easter, the Jemison Elementary School lunchroom ladies will decorate the lunchroom. When the students return from Thanksgiving holidays, they enter a magical scene of lights and animated Christmas characters that puts everyone in the Christmas spirit.
The magic returns at Easter with bunny rabbits, egg trees, and other decorations that promote the leap into spring for our students. Our lunchroom ladies used their personal time to paint fruit characters on our lunchroom walls. We cannot thank these ladies enough for all they do at Jemison Elementary School.
Sept. 15 will be our first Open House/PTO night. This is a wonderful time for parents to come to school and see their children’s work and to visit with their child’s teacher.
Teachers look forward to this positive night of interacting with parents. Further, this night allows the PTO to explain some of their current projects and to coordinate with parents who are willing to volunteer their services.
In past years, the Jemison Elementary School PTO has raised thousands of dollars to assist with the purchase of needed items for the education of our students.  The faculty and staff appreciate all that this organization has done for us.
– Louise Pitts is the principal at Jemison Elementary School.