Good reads all around
Published 9:22 pm Friday, August 14, 2009
I hope you will take the time today to read our Faces and Places magazine that is part of your Clanton Advertiser today.
Faces and Places is always one of our most popular publications and I predict the same will be true for this year’s edition.
Faces and Places is published in magazine format and filled with interesting stories and information about Chilton County’s places, people and businesses.
In addition to being given to you free inside today’s newspaper edition, it will be distributed to many locations throughout the county where it can be read and enjoyed for months to come.
We also provide copies to the Alabama Department of Tourism that places the magazine in welcome centers across Alabama.
Our news staff, Justin Averette, Scott Mims, Joelle Motes and Stephen Dawkins, and our advertising sales and production departments have produced an excellent, colorful read about people and places within Chilton County.
Of course I enjoyed all the stories in the magazine but “The bee’s knees” story by Joelle and “Ace in the hole” by Stephen Dawkins are two of my favorites.
I hope you will enjoy reading the magazine as much as I did and will share it with others.
This coming week our editorial and sales people will print their first North Chilton Advertiser newspapers.
The weekly newspaper will be filled with news from North Chilton County and will be freely distributed at more than 90 locations throughout North Chilton County.
We hop you will want to submit articles and pictures to our new publication. You can do so by sending the materials to or just bring them into our office on 7th Street North in Clanton.
Make sure you pick up a copy of North Chilton Advertiser beginning next Wednesday. It will be in most businesses and in 45 rack locations throughout the Jemison and Thorsby area,