Everyone should battle litter
Published 11:29 pm Friday, May 8, 2009
If you want to get frustrated real fast, go pick up litter along a mile of roadway in Chilton County, and come back in a couple of days. More likely than not, it will be difficult to tell that any work was done.
We are preaching to the choir every time we write an editorial on the subject, but litter control is not just something governments have to do. The litter problem is everybody’s problem.
The litter problem could be solved by a different way of thinking. Anywhere litter is prevalent, those responsible for trashing the landscape do not take ownership in their community.
Anyone who litters creates unnecessary work for someone else. It sounds so simple: Put your trash in a trashcan. But finding a solution is not simple.
Or, perhaps it is. Whenever you see a piece of trash, pick it up and throw it away. In your own little way, you can help make a difference.