All county roads that closed Saturday are open again
Published 5:00 pm Tuesday, March 3, 2009
Chilton County’s Road Department had all roads closed due to washouts over the weekend reopened Monday, according to County Engineer Tony Wearren.
The roads were closed due to the more than three inches of rain that fell Friday and Saturday morning in the area. “We began riding the roads Friday night and Saturday and had to close several roads due to rain-related problems,” Wearren said. The road department made the closed roadways a priority and sent equipment in to repair washouts that forced the closings.
“We are in good shape now,” Wearren said, “All closed roadways are back open and we can return to our regular road scraping schedule.”
He said he was unaware of any bridges that were damaged as a result of rising water from the run-off of the rainfall. Wearren said he did not believe the snow that covered the county on Sunday caused any unusual road problems.
He said the department spent much of the day Monday working on problem areas on the closed roads. “The roads are all open now,” he said Tuesday morning, expressing his appreciation to the road department employees for working hard to open the roads.