Church News for Sept. 6
Published 11:33 pm Friday, September 5, 2008
Jackson Chapel
“Casting all your care upon him; for he careth for you” (1 Peter 5:7).
Bro Dennis’ text came from Ephesians 1:19-20 and 2:1-6. God has appointed us to be in heavenly places, not to sit out on a rotten tree limb. We need to let God be God and quit sitting around with the buzzards, and we also need to quit making excuses about serving God and get out on the battlefield winning lost souls.
Sunday evening, Bro Dennis’ text came from Genesis 50:14-20. We as Christians need to seek God in whatever we do because if we do not seek God, we will make the wrong decision every time. We need to hold to God’s unchanging hand in whatever comes our way and we will come out a winner.
Please remember as you pray this week: Ashley Campbell, Winston Cofer, James and Marie Johnson, Billy Burnett, Juanita Wyatt’s sister Glenda, Buck Saucer, Larry Patterson and Family, Charles Castleberry, Janie Smitherman, Janice Williams, John Lucas family, Hester Parrish family, Cynthia Bean, Robert Howard, David Riley Todd Chambers and Gina Lynn Riley.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7. We also have Kid’s Club on Wednesday nights at 7 for grades 1-6.
Oak Grove Church of God
Bro. Northcutt took his text from Matthew 20:1-16, and his message was entitled “Field Workers.” By the grace of God it is never too late to start to work for God, but at the same time it is never too early.
We would like to wish happy birthday to Pete Warr (Sept. 1) and Matt Williams (Sept. 3). We pray that they will enjoy these birthdays and will celebrate many more in the future
Oak Grove Church will be celebrating our annual homecoming tomorrow. Our morning service will begins at 10 with our special guest speaker the Rev. Ronnie Blankenship. At the noon hour we will enjoy our homecoming meal in the fellowship hall, and at 2 p.m. our homecoming celebration will continue with our special guest singers, The Freemans. We want all to come and help us celebrate.
We are so blessed of God at Oak Grove and we are continuing to see new people come into our services. We thank God for them and want them to know that we love them and they are always welcome.
If you do not have a church home we invite you to come worship God with us and be a part of our church family at Oak Grove. Service times are: Sunday School at 10 a.m., worship service at 10:45, Sunday evening service at 5:30 and Wednesday night service at 7. We also have children’s church each Sunday.
Our church is easy to find. When you leave Clanton heading south on US 31 turn left at Peach Park and follow the signs to Oak Grove Church of God.
Bethany Baptist Church
We at Bethany enjoyed our Fifth Sunday of worship, fellowship and good food. Bro. Aubry brought a good message taken from Genesis 50:22-26. Joseph is one of the great characters in the Bible reflecting a type of our Lord Jesus Christ. In this text Joseph (even as second in command in Egypt) asks his family to not leave his body in Egypt after his death, but to carry them with them when they left for Canaanland.
Prayer List: Bonnie and Gerald Burks, Lillian Burkhalter, Wayne Burkhalter, Lela Mae Courtney, Amos and Mildred Crawford, Paul Griffin, Rosalind Griffin, Doug Mims, Billie Neeley, Ricky Paschall. Let’s not forget to pray for those affected by the recent storms.
We look forward to attending the State Mission Meeting in Hamilton on Sept. 13. Don’t forget our Annual Homecoming on Sunday, Sept. 28. Our service will begin at 10 a.m. with an hour or so of singing; then the morning message will be delivered by Bro. Paul Gray, one of our former pastors. We look forward to our usual good meal in the fellowship hall following the morning message. See you Sunday!
Walnut Creek United Methodist Church
Bro Tony’s scripture Sunday was from Romans 12:9. Bro Tony called these the basics of how we go about life.
“We can read it until we are blue in the face, but if we are not taking it in or putting it into practice, it’s meaningless,” he told the congregation.
God wants you to know that you can try fighting your problems alone or you can let Him do it. Do not be overcome by evil, but overcome evil with good (verse 21).
The holiday kept lots of people away from service today. A special prayer goes out to all who might not be able to attend.
It’s always good to see Ruby Duke, who is blessed to have a dear friend that brings her from the nursing home. Thank God for the “caregivers.” Thank God for Sue Belcher.
Saturday was Mr. Ray Enfinger’s birthday, and Mrs. Myrtice had her eye doctor appointment Thursday. Talk about blessings, and they do the care giving!
Traveling grace is asked for those traveling, and those leaving their homes from the Gulf Coast seeking shelter.
Next Sunday will be our lunch for the building fund. Please come, enjoy a good meal and help with our building fund.
First Baptist Church of Lomax
Our pastor, the Rev. Harold M. Clements, and Sunday School director Gilbert Green invite you to join us for Sunday School at 10 a.m., Discipleship Training at 6 p.m. and Wednesday night Bible study.
Come join us.
Cedar Grove Methodist-Protestant Church
We were glad to have Bro. Russell Wyatt back this week, as he has been out due to a health issue but he is fine now.
Pray for Sis. Ellen Ruth Scott. Her cancer is gone but she needs prayer that she will get more oxygen in her blood. Remember Sister Dolly Price, as she is in the hospital at this writing. Also pray for our country, military, leaders, the elections and other requests.
We sang a belated “Happy Birthday” to Russell Wyatt this week. Also, happy anniversary to Earl and Bobbie Giles.
Bro. Jeff preached a good message from Genesis 18:1-2 entitled “Looking to the Horizon.”
We had a wonderful revival we had last week. Bro. Mark Lambert was the guest evangelist.
We have started working on the sanctuary. Thus far we have the gutters up, and things are really going well. We praise the Lord for his blessings.
We want to invite you to come to Cedar Grove if you are looking for a home church; many have said you can feel God’s Spirit when you walk in the church.
We truly believe that too.
God bless you.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our missions emphasis Sunday morning emphasized the question, “What if you only had one life to live?” Bro. Brad Eubank preached the message from James 5:19-20 entitled, “Calling the Wandering Home.”
Sunday evening we observed Labor Day weekend with praise led by our talented folks. We enjoyed fellowship and ice cream after the service.
Prayer request list: Betty McGee, Annetta LeCroy, Jared Duncan, Jean Pierce, Karen Elban, Amy Hicks, Terry Collier, Sammy Dawson, Homer Carlisle, Vince Helms, Butch Evans, men and women in service, missionaries, our country and leaders, Johnny Thomas, Sue Edge, Rebecca Meadows, Carol Hayes, Jim Dilar, the Johnson family, Jerry Davis family and all shut-ins.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:45, followed by prayer meeting and choir practice.
Happy birthday to all 30 members who have birthdays this month. Happy anniversary to all those who are celebrating wedding anniversaries in September.
Everyone have a blessed week. Remember, God is so good. Share Jesus with someone this week.
Friendship Baptist Church
Bro. Mike preached from Matthew 25: 31-46. “Genuine Discipleship” What genuineness causes.
In the Evening Service, Bro. Mike’s sermon was from Luke 24: 13-36. “With Jesus on life’s highway”
Upcoming events, Sept. 13 Tablescapes at Jemison Baptist Church fellowship hall, Sept. 14 Homecoming. Royal Masters at 9:45 and Bro. Walter Johnson at 11 a.m. Lunch in the fellowship hall. Sept. 22-26: Cottage Prayer Meeting. September 28-October 1 Revival. Oct. 11 Bridal Tea for Stefanie Pate at 3 p.m. Oct. 26 Bridal Tea for Lauren Davis. Oct. 27-31 Senior Adult Mission trip. They will be working with Dr. Ken Taylor, Pastor of Gentilly Baptist Church in New Orleans, La.
Happy Birthday to Matthew Jones and Thomas Marcus.
Prayer Requests are: new Sunday school teachers, Matthew Jones, Rita Lawrence, Joannah Lyles, Ben Daily, Hester Parrish family, Clyde Bean, Carmen Thomas, Buddy Mahue, Anthony Bailey and Peggy Burnett.
Mount Bethel Baptist Church
We had a great day of worship and fellowship with our Lord. It started with a song of praise followed by prayer. Then, we went to our classes for Bible study.
Rev. Oneal Cleckler’s sermon was taken from Jonah 1.
The lesson for discipleship training was God promises a future for his people. We are instructed to live for His purpose, in anticipation of the perfect purity and peace to come. Our full inheritance will one day materialize upon the return of the Lord Jesus. He tells us not to worry about tomorrow and what it will bring. Our treasures are awaiting us in Glory and we will receive them when He returns.
The evening worship service was offered up to our Lord in remembrance to Him. We had a solemn time of worship as we took of the Lord’s Supper. It is a special time we have and it draws us closer to the Lord. Bro. Cleckler read scripture from Matthew 26: 20-28, reminding us of the price that was paid for our salvation.
We would like to wish a happy birthday to April Jones and Jessie Hucks.
We invite you to join us for worship and fellowship with our Lord. Sunday school 10 a.m. Morning Worship 11 a.m. Discipleship training 5 p.m. Evening worship at 6 p.m.
Old Macedonia Baptist Church
“I will offer to thee the sacrifice of Thanksgiving and will call upon the name of the Lord.” Psalms 116: 17
The above scripture was included in our morning message, brought to us by one fired up preacher for the Lord, Pastor Derrell. He asked us if we were willing call upon the Lord at all times, not just when we are down in the valley, but when you are on the mountain; morning, noon and night. Pastor Derrell implored to us that it took three ingredients for a successful church, the right place, dedicated folks, and of course, the spirit of the Lord.
Our morning message was preceded by some wonderful singing, including sister Faye Cagle with daughter, Tammie Jones and granddaughter, Lily Jones (The 3 generations) with a beautiful rendition of “I’ll Meet You in the Morning.” Sister Elaine Smitherman certainly blessed my heart with her singing of “Lovely, Lovely” and folks let me tell ya, the Labor Day traffic to the river had to slow down when Bro. David Jones sang a spine tingling version of “When it’s my time.”
Our interesting Sunday school lesson was brought to us by Bro. Gerald Stamps, with our love and prayers going out to his wife, Amy, as we wish her a speedy return from overseas. Our prayers and well wishes also go out to our sick and wish them a speedy recovery, with a special love and prayer going out to the Echols family. Folks, fall is in the air and you know what that means?
The 5th annual Pumpkin Patch Revival is scheduled to take place in three weeks, and let me tell you, if you need to a spiritual uplifting or you need to put God back first in your life, come join the several churches that participate in the glorious worshipping of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through song, preaching and prayer. Guaranteed to make you realize what is really important down here in this temporary and fleeting life, can’t wait to see you there. Folks, if you are looking for a home church, or just for some old fashioned worshipping of our Lord Jesus Christ, we invite you to come visit with us “Down on the River” at Old Macedonia Baptist Church. As Pastor Derrell says, “let the spirit get hold of ya, it’s better than banana pudding”! Our service times are as follows:
Morning service begins at 9:45 a.m. Wednesday Evening service at 7 p.m. with a good time had by all in exercising your mind as well as your funny bone! Please remember we have no promise of tomorrow, today is the day for salvation. Have a blessed week.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
Bro. Ricky’s sermon was taken from Philippians 2:5-11 with our focus on verses 10 and 11. The title of the sermon was “Your Name.” To carry out the message Bro. Ricky sang the song “Your Name.”
Sunday night Bible study was taken from Galatians 5:13-26. Seven facts about the flesh:
1. We are under no obligations
2. It’s not our companion
3. Don’t provide what the flesh wants- walk by faith
4. Don’t fulfill the lust of the flesh.
5. Don’t trust the flesh
6. Look on the flesh as being crucified or dead.
7. Don’t depend on it for salvation
Happy Birthday was sung to Phylis Cofer and Ernest Davenport. Happy Anniversary to Jeff and Debbie Lockhart, Lewis and Bonnie Smith, Jan and Jeff Franklin and John and Christine Smith.
Prime Timers will be held Saturday, Sept. 13 at 6 p.m. Come for food, fun and fellowship. There will be a Deacon’s meeting tomorrow at 4 p.m.
You are invited to the wedding of Erica Lowery and Justin Jones Saturday, Sept. 20 at 4 p.m. at the church. The reception will follow at Petals from the Past in Jemison.
Sunday night, Aug. 24 was a very special service for Mt. Carmel. The Lord’s Supper was observed. The next part of the service came from John 13:1-20. In obedience to Christ’s humility to fellow man, Mt Carmel observed the washing of feet. This was a very sacred service and blessings were received to all in attendance.
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
We continued our study on Revelation this Sunday, as we looked at Chapter 14. Bro. Shannon brought the morning message from I Corinthians on the importance of working for the Lord. We must be steadfast in our jobs until we finish the task at hand. The end result will be the guarantee our labor is not in vain.
Our evening bible study focused on II Corinthians 1-2.
Happy Birthday to Kalyn Shannon.
The congregational meeting will be held next Sunday following the morning service.
We invite everyone to join us for worship at Lime Springs. Our Sunday school starts at 9:30 a.m.; Morning Worship at 11 a.m.; Evening Bible Study at 5:30 p.m. and Wednesday prayer meeting at 6:30 p.m.
For more information please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.
Calvary’s Hill Church of God
“Let all bitterness, and wrath, and anger, and clamor, and evil speaking, be put away from you, with all malice: And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you.” Ephesians 4: 31, 32
Bro. Willard brought his message from II Samuel 18:9, 14, 15 and 33 titled “Rebellion and Correction.” We, as human beings, don’t except correction very well and, when our children act inappropriately, sometimes we fail to correct them. A child is a precious gift from God and he expects us to not only love them, but to raise them according to his word.
Sunday evening we had a singing featuring Heaven’s Connection, who did a wonderful job. At the end of the singing, Bro. Willard asked our church singers and Heaven’s Connection to sing “Ship of Zion” which is done without music. It was awesome! There was no doubt we were in the presence of the Lord.
We want to welcome our visitors Sunday and pray they were blessed. Remember to pray for our leaders, military, pastors and the lost, and those affected by the hurricane. Saturday, September 6, we will be having fish or chicken plates starting at 11 a.m. The price is $7.50 for all you can eat. If you don’t have a home church, come join Calvary’s Hill. Sunday school starts at 10 a.m., Worship service at 10:45 a.m., Sunday evening at 5 p.m. and Wednesday night at 7 p.m. The church is located on Ala. Hwy. 191, two miles outside Jemison.
Heritage Church of the Nazarene
Heritage has a prayer box in front of the church for anyone in the area to place their prayer requests. The prayer box was mentioned in last week’s news and has already begun to receive prayer requests. Gene Sanders, of Heritage, was given this vision as a way to assure the community we believe in a God who answers prayer and cares about every individual. In an interview with ABC 33-40 news, Gene expressed how God changed his life in the last eight months. There are those who may never come to church however have prayer requests. Pen and request forms are available at the Chapel shaped prayer box located at 610 Dennis Street. Rev. Gary Aldridge, Pastor, explains your requests will be kept confidential unless you specify otherwise. During our Sunday Altar Prayer time we pray over the requests. God is working in His time and answering prayers.
Bill Collum opened the Worship service with the song “Jesus Loves Me.” Rev. Aldrige message was titled “Sacrifice” taken from Hebrews 9:16-22. He challenged the congregation to know God has a plan for the community. Sunday night we had a singing and were blessed in song by our Youth. If you are seeking a great Teen Group come to Heritage. After the service we had “Christmas in August” and we began our shoe boxes and missionary gifts to be sent to those in need.
Pates Chapel
Our deepest sympathy goes out to the family of Joyce Bolton. Pray for God’s comfort and blessings on them and all others who have lost a loved one.
Senior spotlight this week shines on a special lady, Gladys Mae Hayes. Our deacon for the week Is Kevin Ray. The honor of your presence is requested at the marriage of Jody Marissa Edwards to Kendall Trent Plier here Saturday, Sept 13 at 4 p.m.
TRANSPORTATION OPPORTUNITY: The cost of a new 26 passenger bus will be $55,000 to $60,000. The challenge before us is to get at least $15,000 in pledges to present before the church and see if this is God’s will. Tomorrow pledges will be taken up.
Sunday is baseball night at Sam Bentley Park, beginning at 5 p.m.
Our 95th anniversary Old Fasion Day celebration will be held Sunday, Sept. 21. 10 a.m. to noon with a potluck lunch to follow. A rendition of A Sunday Morning in 1913 by T.C. and Sheliah Cobb.
History of our church by Mr. Ehrman Cleckler and some Sacred Harp style songs by Bill Short and the Choir, then lots of old timey singing by our special guest, Southern Pride and our own talented folks. Senator Hank Erwin will be our special visitor. Bro. Clint will bring our message touching on happenings the past 95 years. There will be no Sunday School. Please come.
Many remain on our prayer list. Little Katie Burnette is improving, but still needs prayer. Faye Horton needs our prayers and support along with Jessie Lee Porter. Both are undergoing treatment for cancer. Other cancer patients on our list are 9-year-old Nicholas Barnes, Dean Poter, Todd Chambers, Debra Downey and baby Jenzyn Porter and Leah Young- lieukemia. Remember Pray for a cure for this dreaded disease.Remember all the request for prayer. Pray always for our military folks and their families, our church and country.
Can you spare A Minute A Day? Join the millions across America at 8 p.m. each night in prayer for God’s choice of the right folks to be chosen in the upcoming election. This is very important.
We send a special invitation for visitors and absentee members to join us in all our worship services anytime.
Rocky Mount
This past Sunday Brother Willard used Matthew’s recounting of Peter’s lack of understanding regarding why Christ should be crucified. Using Stephen King’s book “Needful Things” to show how today we are tempted to choose the comfort of the known material things in life in the full knowledge that the choice we are making is against God’s instructions. In closing Brother Willard asked that we remember the name “Jesus” and call upon that name are our comfort. Then we can claim the promise that following the life instructions left in the Bible will gain us access to the spiritual comforts of eternity when we hear “Well done, thy good and faithful servant” instead of “Go away, I never knew you.”
Please mark your calendars for Sept. 7-10 and join us at Rocky Mount as our spirits are revived with the messages Brother John Limbaugh will bring to us. A potluck dinner Sunday evening Sept 7th starting at 5:30 p.m. will open our four days of worship and praise.
The second Thursday of each month will find our Family Life center filled with all sorts of craft activities. Plan to join this group as they sew, glue, hammer and stitch their ways through many pleasant hours. A group luncheon offers a time of fellowship in Christ that is uplifting to all.
Read your Bible daily and fellowship with the church family of your choice as often as possible. Through these avenues we will be able to survive the coming temptations.