Last chance at free money
Published 8:06 pm Monday, August 11, 2008
More than 1,000 people in Chilton County still haven’t claimed their economic stimulus payments.
Because of this, the Alabama Department of Senior Services is urging seniors in Chilton County to file for their economic stimulus checks as soon as possible, as the deadline of Oct. 15 is quickly approaching.
Even if seniors do not usually file a tax return, they may be eligible for a $300 stimulus payment ($600 if married) if they received more than $3,000 from Social Security, Railroad Retirement or Veterans Administration. Filing for the stimulus payment will not affect eligibility for services currently received.
For more information or for assistance in filing, contact your Area Agency on Aging at 1-800-AGELINE or visit
We don’t want anyone to miss their chance to get money back from the government. If you haven’t already filed your return, please do it now. You won’t get this chance again.