Young Miss Peach party a sweet treat

Peach pageant contestants enjoyed icing on their cupcakes as well as their faces at the Young Miss Peach cupcake decorating party, which was held at Clanton First United Methodist Church on Tuesday.
Filled with lots of sprinkles, cupcakes and smiles, the Young Miss Peach contestants held a cupcake decorating party Tuesday afternoon at Clanton First United Methodist Church.
The contestants, who ranged from ages 8 through 11, had the option of decorating their cupcakes with several flavors of icing, candy and an assortment of sprinkles.
Reigning Young Miss Peach Leah Easterling, a student at Clanton Middle School, will crown her successor Monday, June 20 at 6:30 p.m. in the Chilton County High School auditorium.
Junior Miss Peach contestants held a skate party Monday night, and the Little Miss Peach contestants will have a tea and tiaras party at Clanton First United Methodist Church’s activity center Wednesday.
The oldest girls will have their Miss Peach party Friday afternoon at the Chilton County Auburn Extension, where they will learn about the peach industry.