Forrester named to Education Workforce Development Council
The Education Workforce Development Council is pleased to announce that Van Forrester, Manager of Alabama Power Company business office, has been named to complete its roster of members.
Through collaboration among education, industry, business, and the community, students benefit by experiencing real project-based learning situations while business and industry get a chance to participate in the training and development of prospective employees.
The goal of the Education Workforce Development Council (EWDC) is to enhance the learning experiences of career and technical students and to assist in getting every student college and career ready by graduation from high school.
Other members of the EWDC are Tommy Glasscock, director of LeCroy Career Technical Center; Lori Patterson, president of Chilton County Board of Education; Janice Hull, Chamber of Commerce managing consultant; Kurt Wallace, state representative; and Connie Bainbridge, economic developer with Central Alabama Electric Cooperative.