Clanton Council approves 2020 budget
Published 1:15 pm Wednesday, September 11, 2019
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By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer
The Clanton City Council unanimously approved the 2020 fiscal year budget for the general fund during a voting session on Sept. 9.
The budget anticipates $12,534,705 in revenue in the coming fiscal year, which is lower than the previous fiscal year. The 2019 amended revenue projections had included $2.4 million as an operating transfer in that will not be a revenue in 2020.
Expenses in the budget total $12,353,585 compared to $13.2 million for the 2019 amended budget.
This would leave the city with $181,120 excess revenue in the 2020 fiscal year, which could be used for unexpected expenses.
Mayor Billy Joe Driver asked the Council if there were any questions before the vote. He said he knew there would be some throughout the year.
No one asked specific questions before the vote.
Many of the revenue streams to the city are expected to bring in more than the last fiscal year.
This budget includes an additional $43,000 as a part of the state gasoline tax increase.
Some expenditures are also increasing. The beautification department received an increase of $25,000 for capital expenditures for a pickup truck. The park department also has received an increase to purchase a vehicle.
The police department has $130,000 in its budget to purchase four cars. The total budget is $2.6 million.
The fire department budget is increasing to $648,850. The shop department budget is increasing to $208,660.
The budget for the sanitation department is decreasing from the 2019 amended amount of $1.7 million to $1.5 million.
The budget includes $3.7 million for administrative costs, which is about a $1.3 million decrease from the amended budget for the 2019 fiscal year.