Humane Society receives $14,000 from anonymous donor

Published 12:24 pm Friday, February 2, 2018

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

It was a night full of good news for the Chilton County Humane Society during its monthly meeting on Feb. 1.

Outgoing President Katherine Reece announced the Humane Society had received a $14,000 donation through the Central Alabama Community Foundation from an anonymous donor.

“That allowed us to get all of our bills caught up and paid,” Reece said.

Vice President Kristi Hyche said the shelter had also received $11,050 from the city of Clanton as its usual contribution.

The Humane Society had an additional almost $3,000 in its PayPal accounts.

Later in the meeting, board member Jeff Melton said the United Way also had some funds available, if the Humane Society gave them the necessary paperwork. Hyche gave Melton copies of the organizations bylaws and nonprofit paperwork before the meeting was over.

Also during the meeting, officers for the next term were approved as follows: Lee Helms, president; Hyche, first vice president; Tracie Robitaillie, second vice president; Amy Nicholas, secretary; Bill McCay, treasurer; Reece, at-large member for social media/newsletter; Melton, at-large member for maintenance.

A motion was approved to electing officers by a voice vote, rather than a written ballot as had been planned, after Helms withdrew his motion from the previous meeting nominating Melton for first vice president. Helms said removing his motion was based on conversations with Melton between the meetings and the fact that Melton is contributing so much to the organization in the At-Large position overseeing maintenance.

“I’m good in the background,” Melton said. “I work a little better in the background sometimes.”

Reece had announced she was stepping down as president for health reasons but said she was interested in helping with the Humane Society social media accounts and developing a newsletter.