Maplesville Council addresses housekeeping items

Published 9:39 am Wednesday, July 12, 2017

By JOYANNA LOVE/ Senior Staff Writer

Housekeeping items, both literal and figurative, were the agenda for the Maplesville Town Council during its July 10 meeting.

Brandon Warren was approved as a part-time police officer, and Ray Pairrett was approved for a part-time position on the garbage truck.

A request by a resident to discontinue her garbage pick-up was not approved.

“All water customers are charged for garbage pickup whether they utilize the service or not,” according to Town Clerk Dawn Smitherman.

The annual contributions to the Middle Alabama Area Agency and retired town employees of the Employees’ Retirement System were unanimously approved. Council member Sheila Haigler abstained from the Employees’ Retirement System vote.

Town resident Fred Wilson requested a street light be placed at 86 Shadyside Drive, which the council approved.

On the literal side, a motion was approved to have the carpet in the library and computer use area for $430 by Majik Karpet Kleaners.

A survey of the lot being considered for a parking lot off of Main Street was also approved. The Council has received two bids for the paving job.