Gardens resident celebrates 102nd birthday
Published 4:59 pm Friday, December 11, 2015

Special celebration: Family and friends at the Gardens of Clanton helped Miller celebrate. (Photos by Stephen Dawkins)
Kay Miller celebrated her 102nd birthday on Friday by dancing.
Miller, a resident at Gardens of Clanton Assisted Living, will turn 102 on Dec. 14.
Her family and friends at the Gardens celebrated with her, and those in attendance were entertained by ballroom dancers from Champion Latin and Ballroom in Vestavia Hills.
After the dancing exhibition, Sterling Burroughs from Champion helped Miller to her feet and danced with her, to everyone’s delight.
“I loved those dancers,” Miller said.
Miller is no stranger to dancing, a common pastime in her youth, she said.
“We would get together, and we would always dance,” she said and added that she was particularly fond of the Charleston dance.
Vickie Moseley with the Gardens said Miller stays active, which is line with how she has lived her life.
Miller said she zip-lined at the age of 90, while visiting Greenville, S.C.

Just dance: Kay Miller (right) celebrates her 102nd birthday by dancing on Friday with Sterling Burroughs from Champion Latin and Ballroom in Vestavia Hills.
Miller’s celebration Friday also included a cake donated by SunCrest Home Health, flowers and gifts.
“We like to celebrate all the residents’ birthdays to honor them,” Moseley said. “We think all of their birthdays are special, at any age, but especially 102—that is amazing. She is a blessing. She has been an inspiration to me.”