Elder Abuse Awareness month recognized in June

Published 4:38 pm Friday, June 12, 2015

Chilton County Director of DHR Marilyn Colson, Cathy Stephens with DHR, Tim Bryant with DHR and Carol Rohling with Alacare took part in a proclamation signing with Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin on Friday. (Photo by Emily Reed)

Chilton County Director of DHR Marilyn Colson, Cathy Stephens with DHR, Tim Bryant with DHR and Carol Rohling with Alacare took part in a proclamation signing with Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin on Friday. (Photo by Emily Reed)

Chilton County Probate Judge Bobby Martin recognized the month of June as Elder Abuse Awareness month by signing a proclamation in his office on Friday.

Representatives from Alacare and Chilton County Department of Human Resources, who work with the elderly, took part in the proclamation signing.

Thousands of elderly individuals and adults who have disabilities are abused, neglected, and exploited in Alabama each year, according to a release from Alabama Department of Human Resources.

To help raise awareness, communities and professionals across the nation, and across the world, unite annually on June 15 to observe World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. Individuals are asked to wear purple on June 15 as purple is the color nationally recognized to represent elder abuse awareness.

Gov. Robert Bentley proclaimed June 15 as World Elder Abuse Awareness Day.

“Because the elderly are often dependent on others for their care and may become isolated, they are vulnerable to abuse, neglect and exploitation,” Marilyn Colson, Chilton County Director of DHR, said in a release. “Sadly, victims are most often abused, neglected and exploited by individuals who are known and trusted by the elderly person. No matter how difficult the challenge, with the help of our community partners, and Adult Protective Services worker Tim Bryant, is committed to investigating reports and arranging protection for vulnerable adults.”

The Alabama Department of Human Resources is responsible for the investigation of adult abuse, neglect and exploitation. DHR also partners with more than 30 agencies as members of the Alabama Council for the Prevention of Elder Abuse which works to raise awareness of elder abuse prevention.

In fiscal year 2014, the Alabama Department of Human Resources investigated more than 6,700 reports of suspected abuse, neglect, and exploitation of vulnerable adults statewide, which included elderly individuals.

In Chilton County, DHR was involved with 123 adult cases. Mandated reporters include physicians, practitioners of the healing arts and caregivers. However, anyone can make a report by contacting their county DHR office or local law enforcement agency.

Elder abuse is “gravely under-reported” the release said. If individuals suspect mistreatment of an elderly person or an adult person who has disabilities, call the Chilton County DHR at (205) 280-2000.

Reports may also be made toll free to Adult Abuse Hotline (800) 458-7214. All reports are confidential.