Clanton council approves road, airport runway projects
Published 7:54 pm Monday, July 23, 2012
The Clanton City Council voted unanimously to advance the Chilton County Airport Authority $25,000 to replace a deteriorating pipe under the runway and fill in an open ditch that runs from the edge of the runway to Airport Road, improving the condition of Airport Road as well.
Craig Cleckler and Billy Singleton of the Airport Authority spoke to the council, explaining that the Federal Aviation Authority gives $150,000 in entitlement money each year, some of which for 2012 was spent on projects to improve the runway, leaving the CCAA short for funding for this project. The 2013 entitlement funding would not be available until around March.
In other business, the council:
•Approved a resolution to continue Chilton County Transit’s services.
•Approved the hire of three on-duty firefighters for Clanton Fire Department.
•Approved spending $3,125 to order 10 more bulletproof vests for the Clanton Police Department through a Department of Justice Partnership.
•Approved a motion to publish voter lists in The Clanton Advertiser and Chilton County News.
•Approved a resolution stating that councilmembers Bobby Cook and Mary Mell Smith would run in the upcoming elections unopposed.
•Approved to furnish a drainage pipe to intercept water accumulating under the roads in the Creekwood Subdivision.
Cook and Smith thanked the members of their district and the residents of Clanton for allowing them the opportunity to represent them for another term.