Church news for the week of Thursday, Sept. 30, 2010
Published 6:46 pm Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Lime Springs United Methodist Church
Our Sunday School lesson focused on Revelation 10.
The morning message was taken from John 14:1-4 on the preparation of Christ to prepare each believer a room in his Father’s house. Just as a motel would have a vacancy sign out front, so there is a vacancy sign concerning these rooms. However, there is an urgency to register your name in the Book of Life as soon as possible. Death before you accept Christ, blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, and missing the rapture of the Church are three ways a no vacancy sign can suddenly appear in a person’s life.
Bro. Shannon reminded us of the parable of the unfruitful fig tree in Luke 13:6-10. The unfruitful fig tree is a person before they are saved. God is the owner of the tree, and Jesus is the gardener. While the gardener will work with a person for a season, there may come a time when the tree is cut down and cast away.
Our Sunday evening Bible study focused on whether a man can fall from grace.
Happy anniversary to June and Mack Traywick.
Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 9:30 a.m.; Sunday morning worship at 11; evening Bible study at 5; and Wednesday night prayer meeting at 6:30.
For more information concerning Lime Springs, please call 755-4950 or 755-6356.
Christ Independent Methodist Church
Sunday morning we arrived at church in time to elude the rain and get settled in just in time to welcome the much-needed, long-awaited rain.
Dr. Mac Stinson took his scripture reading from Luke 16:1-13. This scripture deals with the Parable of the Unjust Steward. This parable ends with the much-quoted verse: “No servant can serve two masters: for either he will hate the one and love the other, or else he will hold to the one and despise the other. Ye cannot serve God and mammon.”
Of all the many truths contained in our Bible, this one just quoted is the keystone of our faith. Our gracious, loving Heavenly Father does not force his wishes upon us. He gives each of us free will to choose whom we will follow or whose teaching we will avoid.
Our Bible leaves no doubt that God is big enough and possesses the power to make us all perfect if he chooses to. If, however, God did choose to exercise his power to that extreme, we would not be his children but his puppets that he moved about at will like checkers on a game board.
Christ is our mentor, mediator and Master according to Saint Paul.
Your special prayers are asked for Dr. Stinson and wife, Glenda, for his mother, Mrs. Edmondson, Mable Mitchell, Dwight Sammons, Lois Askew, Horace Carden, Wilma Ellison, and especially remember Probate Judge Bobby Martin and his family in the passing of their beloved daughter, Nancy.
Our study of Revelation continues each Wednesday night at 7. We invite you to join us for this enthralling study.
Our young people and their leader, Laurel Lee Adams, enjoyed a day on the Coosa River on Saturday.
In lieu of a message from the pulpit, we are continuing a series of DVD presentations entitled “America’s Godly Heritage” on Sunday nights. If you have an opportunity to view this series, you will be blessed, and I promise you will be informed regarding your heritage.
We were happy to welcome Michelle and David Lufta back among us Sunday morning. David flew out to George Strait country on official business but heeded our request that he remember where he came from and not forget how to return. He remembered on both counts.
Our people celebrating birthdays this month are Everette Bagby, Mary Ann Carden, Dwight Sammons and Phil Simms.
Have a blessed week.
Mt. Carmel No. 1
After a wonderful Sunday School lesson, our congregation gathered in the sanctuary for the morning service. It’s always good to be in God’s house singing and praising his name.
As our service begins, we always enjoy watching our children take part in the Penny March for Missions. They marched, skipped and ran to the tune of “Do Lord.”
The special music was by Charity Lockhart and Holly Smith singing, “How Great is Our God.” Lanelle and Lilly Jones did a beautiful job singing “In the Garden.” “The Old Country Church” was sung by our church trio, Tammy, Reba and mom. Thanks to all of these and their talent.
Bro. Derrell prepared to bring his message, and the rain began to fall. We had to give thanks to the Lord for the much needed rain.
We opened our Bibles to John 13:1-5, 12-17 to hear the sermon on “Becoming a People of the Towel.” We need the heart of a servant. We need to forget ourselves and serve and worship him.
We want to say thanks to all who had a part in preparing lunch for our kickoff for Relay for Life on Sunday following the morning service. Fellowship and food were enjoyed by all, and a donation was taken for the cancer drive.
The adult choir practice got off to a good start Sunday afternoon at 4 with the beginning of our Christmas cantata. Come join our choir and sing.
Prime-Timers, remember our trip this Saturday to Marion. We will be leaving the church at 9 a.m. to visit the old plantation of 1819. Come join us as we step back into time.
A great message was enjoyed Sunday night, taken from Revelation 2:8-11 and entitled, “Being Rich Even When You’re Dirt Poor.” This was the message to the church at Smyrna, a port city with lots of sin and idolatries.
John wrote to the church, “I know thy works, and tribulation and poverty, but thou art rich: Be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” Read your Bible, pray daily and walk close to the Lord.
Please remember to pray for all the prayer requests and the names on our prayer list. We will be praying for you, and we want you to know you are always welcome at Mt. Carmel No. 1.
Bethsalem Baptist Church
Our morning service began with ministry opportunities and welcome. The congregation sang many great songs, and the Celebration Choir sang “Christ Alive, Christ Triumphant.”
Bro. Brad Eubank brought the morning message, “Lord, Use Me: A Prayer God Will Answer” from Isaiah 63:7-64:9.
Join us for our 40 days of prayer Sept. 27 through Nov. 5 and for our 48-hour revival and friendship connection Sunday, Nov. 7.
Sunday evening we had a baptismal service for Tamara Porch and Kyle, Cory and Teresa Pack. Sunday evening’s message, “A God Inspection,” was from Jeremiah 33:3 and James 44:8.
Wednesday night is family supper at 5:30 followed by prayer meeting at 6:30, children’s choir practice and The Outlet for youth.
Pray for James Moore, Wayne Hunter, Pete Burnett, Vickie Knight, Doug Willis, Cathy Patton, William Jacks, Kacy Barrett, Tonnia Spigner, Marie Smith, Thomas Jackson, Nancy Deavers, Jeff McQueen, Thomaseen Johnson, Charles Bryant, Lera Price, Destiny Griffin, Emma Baker, Doris Reynolds, Ellie Grace Reese, Candy Cleckler, Sue Bradberry, William Jacks, Larry and Brenda Dickerson, D.M. Bone family, Barry Lynn, Karen Barnwell and Krystal Gray.
Happy birthday to Keith Allen, Jay Pierce, Rhonda Gray, Sasha Sims, Davidica McConnell, Josh Shepherd and Abby Wilson.
We welcome all visitors. Come get connected with us in Sunday School and Life Tracks.
Have a blessed week, and tell someone about Jesus. God is so good.
Mt. Springs Church
We want to praise God for the Pumpkin Patch revival. It seemed like God anointed each church, Cane Creek, New Hope, Mt. Bethel, Lime Springs, Mt. Springs and Macedonia. The revival continued at Mt. Springs Sunday from the start of the service. The song service lifted praise to God.
Bro. Roger Cleckler’s devotion was from Matthew 11:28-30, and Bro. Kenneth Moates’ Sunday School lesson was taken from 1 Corinthians 14:14-20. What a wonderful lesson about the gifts of God.
Bro. Don’s message was from Revelation 3:1-6. Jesus was talking to the church at Sardis about their walk with him. We need to examine ourselves and make sure we know Christ as our Savior. There are many that have the name “Christian” but have never experienced the New Birth. It will change your life. An example of the changed life is to keep his commandments, love our brethren, and follow Christ and not the world. If we are not careful, we will let things pull us away from him. The troubles of this life and the love of this world can destroy your walk with the Lord if you are not careful. That is why it’s important to strengthen your walk with the Lord by drawing closer to him. He loves us, and when we fail, he will give us time to repent and come to him, but we shouldn’t wait too late. Circumstances have nothing to do with your relationship with God, but your relationship with God has something to do with the circumstance.
What a wonderful night of singing. This was our end-of-the-month singing, and God anointed each one that took part. It was so good to see Hannah and Kelvin taking part in the singing. We praise God for what he did in her life. She is the church’s miracle. We love her.
Bro. Sam Ross will be preaching for us next Sunday night, so be praying for him. It is so good to see young people answer the call to preach when God calls them.
Service times are: Sunday morning, 9:45; Sunday night, 5:45; and Wednesday night, 7. Come and be blessed.
Friendship Baptist Church
Our choir special was “Won’t It Be Wonderful There.”
Bro. Gene Hitchcock’s sermon was from Acts 24:24-27. His sermon was titled, ‘The Man Who Gambled and Lost.”
During the evening service, Callie Wyatt sang “Ten Thousand Angels.” Bro. Gene’s sermon was about Paul’s appeal to Caesar as found in Acts 26:1-2. In this passage of scripture, Paul gives his testimony to Agrippa.
Happy birthday this week to Alisha Callahan and Callie Wyatt.
Prayer requests: The McCalls, Sandra White, Martin/Session family, Jennifer Barron and Callie Ramsey.
Upcoming events:
Oct. 3: Next Sunday morning, missionaries to Russia will be with us during the morning service. Jody and Melanie Ratliff, along with their three children, Macayla, Leia and Aiden, will be our guests. Their oldest daughter, Macayla, will sing for us. Please join us.
Oct. 7: Beginning at 8 a.m. will be the annual meeting of the Chilton Baptist Association. This will be held at Union Springs Baptist Church.
Clanton Church of Christ
The Clanton Church of Christ proudly announces our Family/Friends Day on Sunday, Oct. 10. A full day of worship and fellowship is planned, and everyone is invited to attend. Dr. Gary M. Bradley, minister of Mayfair Church of Christ in Huntsville, will be our guest speaker at 9:30 a.m. for Bible study and at 10:30 a.m. for worship. Lunch will be served in the fellowship hall at 11:45, and the afternoon service will begin at 2.
Dr. Bradley has been the pulpit minister at Mayfair Church of Christ for 31 years and has hosted the Abundant Living television program since 1980. He has served congregations all over Alabama and has done mission work in Cuba, South Africa, Switzerland, the Caribbean island of St. Vincent, Jamaica, Mexico and Israel. He also serves as director of the Mayfair Church Growth Center in Huntsville and is a member of the Board of Directors of David Lipscomb University in Nashville.
Dr. Bradley and his wife, Bobbie, have been married for 53 years and have three children, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren.
Dr. Bradley will be joined by former Major League Baseball player Don Mincher. Don played for a total of 13 seasons with Minnesota, California, Seattle, Washington and Oakland and was also selected to play in the All-Star Game in 1967 and 1969. He retired from baseball in 1972 with 200 career home runs and holds several records in the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown, N.Y. He is also a member of the Alabama Sports Hall of Fame. He is presently the general manager of the Huntsville Stars of the Southern League, as well as the president of the Southern League.
Don will speak at 1 p.m., and the youth are especially invited to come and listen as this professional athlete relates his experiences to the importance of establishing a relationship with God.
Don and his wife, Pat, have been married for 54 years and have three children, six grandchildren and two great grandchildren. They are members of Mayfair Church of Christ in Huntsville.
The Clanton Church of Christ is located at 1111 Lay Dam Road.
For more information, call 755-5987.
Jackson Chapel
Bro Dewayne Castleberry taught a good Sunday School lesson entitled, “Live to Serve God.” Bro Gary Fant got the morning service started out with “At Calvary” and “Heaven’s Jubilee.” Nick Burnett blessed us with “The Old Rugged Cross” and Bro Dennis Smith and Glenn Riley sang “I Will Trade This Old Cross for a Crown.”
Bro Dennis’ text came from Psalm 23:1-6. We as God’s people need to listen for the Good Shepherd’s voice because if we’re not listening for this voice when he calls us to do a work, we won’t hear him. We as Christians tend to stray away from Jesus Christ, and all we have to do is ask him to forgive us and he will restore our soul and bring us back into his love. We need to have a desire to serve Jesus Christ just because of everything he does for us.
Bro Gary Fant got our fourth Sunday night singing started off with “Canaan Land Is Just in Sight.” Bro Gary Fant sang “I Believe Every Word is True,” Bro Horace Wyatt sang “When Jesus Passed By,” Nick Burnett sang “When We All Get to Heaven,” Randall Edwards sang “The Lord Is The Maker of Them All,” “He Prayed for Me” and “He’s Still Loving Us Today,” Bro Dennis and Glenn Riley sang “God Has Been So Good to Me” and “I Saw The Light,” Glenn Riley, Carson Riley and Cole Riley sang “I’m Not Ashamed,” and Bro Dennis Smith, Angel Bavar and Wanda Chadwick sang “When My Feet Touch the Streets of Gold,” “They’re Holding Up the Ladder,” “I Am Redeemed,” “That Same Spirit,” “Child, Child” and “What A Meeting in the Air.”
Happy birthday this week to Angel Bavar.
Please remember these as you pray this week: James and Marie Johnson, the Nancy Martin Craft family, Callie Ramsey, Earl Davenport, the Stanley Easterling family, Zac Burnett, Margie Waites, our service men and women and our lost loved ones.
We are located at 4020 Yellowleaf Road in Clanton. Our service times are as follows: Sunday School at 10, morning worship at 11, evening worship at 6, and Wednesday night prayer meeting and Bible study at 7.
We also have Kid’s Club on Wednesday nights at 7 for grades 1-6.
Rocky Mount United Methodist Church
Anyone who missed church Sunday at Rocky Mount missed a blessing in so many ways.
First of all, some rain fell during the service. For that we are indeed grateful. Next, we were blessed with a beautiful anthem entitled, “Shepherd of My Heart” sang by our guest, Kathy Donaldson from McClure, Pa. Then, as we concluded, Gloria and Luke Hollis, a part of our church family for quite a while now, officially joined us as members. What a blessing!
Brother Willard’s sermon was one of blessing but also one to make us do some thinking. Reading from Luke 16: 19-31 we read about the rich man and Lazarus and how the dogs gave Lazarus more attention than the rich man did. Later, the rich man sees he’s not too happy where he ends up. Are you looking around you to see who might need you? Are you showing compassion for those less fortunate? Will you spend eternity in heaven with Lazarus or elsewhere with the rich man and those like him?
Bethany Baptist Church
Everyone who attended (116th) Homecoming at Bethany Sunday will probably agree that it was very enjoyable. We had one of the largest crowds we have had in a while. Several current and former church members sang specials, and they were all a blessing. The new Homeward Bound group sang for us in the afternoon service and did a good job. Good fellowship, good singing, inspiring sermon, great food…a worshipful day.
Bro. Paul Armstrong with his sweet wife and children blessed us before his message with a special song. Bro. Paul’s sermon text was John 9:1-7. “Will We Work ‘Til Jesus Comes?” was the title of his message. He reminded us that when we are saved, we are not to just sit back and do nothing; we all have a job to do. We are wrong if we think that the little we can do doesn’t make a difference. Ephesians 2:10, “For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works…”, ”Redeeming the time, because the days are evil” (Ephesians 5:16).
Upcoming events: Oct. 8-9 Annual state meeting at Bethany.
Prayer list: Lillian Burkhalter, Sherry Cooper, Lela Mae Courtney, Mildred Crawford, Ashley Friday, Jack Friday, Ernestine Hatch, Gloria Headley, Mary Knight, our military, Nell Mims, Billie Neeley, Pvt. Josh Pepper, Aubry Wallace and Shirley Wallace; rain, revival in America.
See you Sunday!