Tell us what you’re thankful for

Published 9:57 pm Tuesday, November 18, 2008

I don’t know about you, but I have a lot to be thankful for over the last year. My life hasn’t been perfect. I have made plenty of mistakes, but I’m glad that I am where I am today.

I have great family and friends. I have a great job and work in a great community.

And as we approach next Thursday, which is Thanksgiving, I want to take this time to say a big thank you to everyone who reads our paper every day. I hope that we have put together a good product, and feel free to let me know about any concerns you have about the paper.

Also, I would like to give you, our readers, a chance to tell us anything you are thankful for. If you have an interesting story or have something you are thankful for, you can just send The Clanton Advertiser a message about that.

We are planning to run a story about what people in our community are thankful for. It will appear in next Thursday’s Thanksgiving edition of The Clanton Advertiser. We might even contact you if we consider doing a separate story on that one thing.

In this day and time, it is hard to take the time and count our blessings, but I encourage you to do that. It might just make you feel better if you realize just what you are grateful for.

Sometimes, we don’t realize just how good we have it here in Alabama. There are other countries in which residents don’t get to eat every day, but we get to eat several times a day. There is plenty for us to be thankful for.

So take a minute and send in something to let us know what you are thankful for. You can do this by commenting on this column or click here. You can also bring it by our office at 1109 Seventh St. N. in Clanton or fax it to us at 755-5857.

We will select as many of the best comments to run in the Thanksgiving edition. Help us celebrate this time of being grateful.