Day One of MAGNETT conference

Published 8:40 pm Wednesday, October 13, 2010


After project director Tracia Bussey’s introduction, day one of the MAGNETT Conference began with presentations from Alabama Development Officer Gary Faulker and Alabama Industrial Development Training (AIDT) Rep. Gary Weaver.

The presentations were an introduction to Alabama incentives and exposed the Scandinavian companies to information they would need to know if they decided to become partners and moved to Alabama.

“My objective was to make sure everyone had a good understanding of the services AIDT provide,” said Weaver. “Operating and functions for new businesses and old in Alabama.”

After the first presentation portion concluded, the floor was open to questions and answers.
“The purpose of this conference is to make connections available in both directions,” said Bussey. “We’ve had good discussions, good questions and good interactions today.”

The biggest questions discussed were: Is there a need for the technology, will it be benefical and how will green cards be obtained if a company decides to become a partner?

After the conclusion of the Q&A, four guest companies presented their presentations.

Dr. Thomas L. Lago, chairman of ACTICUT International, presented the Emerg-1 device, a wireless emergency stop, that is beneficial for pulp and paper, the elderly, forests and medical use, just to name a few.

Friday, there will be presentations from the Chilton County Chamber of Commerce and the Extension Office, the South Shelby Chamber of Commerce and from the Regional Planning Commission of Greater Birmingham.
There will also be a tour of Alabama Power Water Course and the Auburn Research Center.

“They seem interested in what Alabama has to offer,” said Drayton Cosby, RC&D Government and Public Relations.
“Friday, we are going on the lake so they can view some of our resources.”